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Personal Relationships. Familiarities ●interaction is more common when people are in a closer proximity ●people are more likely to like the people who.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Relationships. Familiarities ●interaction is more common when people are in a closer proximity ●people are more likely to like the people who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Relationships

2 Familiarities ●interaction is more common when people are in a closer proximity ●people are more likely to like the people who they are around often ●this is because the people become familiar ●familiarity is comforting because it is predictable

3 Appearance ●people make assumptions based on appearance ●attractive people are assumed to be smarter, happier, kinder, etc. ●also assumed to make better spouses and be more sexually responsive ●given the benefit of the doubt ●mothers are more likely to love their children more if they are attractive

4 Similarities ●people with things in common tend to like each other more ●this is because agreeing with each other ●complementary traits attract o Ex. somebody who likes to be helpful compliments a person who likes to be helped ●nothing to prove the theory that “opposites attract”

5 Changes in Friendliness ●changes in friendliness have a greater effect on people than constant behavior ●ex. a person who is friendly at first but becomes unfriendly will be disliked more than a person who was unfriendly the entire time

6 Rewards ●Theres cost and exchange in relationships. ●People tend to keep score. ●It needs to be equal between the two people. ●If its not equal one person will feel guilty the other one will feel cheated.

7 Intimacy ●Intimacy is trust and closeness between two people. ●People convert from a superficial way of relating to a deeper way. ●It needs to be equal when people open up to each other. ●If one person reveals too much too soon then the other person will shut down

8 Triangular Theory of Love ●Intimacy, Passion and Commitment ●Must have all three to keep relationship healthy ●VideoVideo

9 s/stories/People/Kids/pretty_littl e_girl_portraits%20(3).jpg https://encrypted- d9GcSqs9y-y2- ZpjowefvGVVafWx7TG3uMP4GxP pVKFn7Ip5iBUdq1FQ ages/P/8101-8200/large/P08169- P00014l.jpg a/commons/thumb/0/00/Lorentz_fa ctor.svg/2000px- Lorentz_factor.svg.png tions/images/28.gif content/uploads/2013/04/trust1.jpg PRrPMfhcyrY Triangle picture

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