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New Forest Consultative Panel 'Influencing the future of the New Forest through informed debate’ Potential Savings and Efficiencies.

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Presentation on theme: "New Forest Consultative Panel 'Influencing the future of the New Forest through informed debate’ Potential Savings and Efficiencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Forest Consultative Panel 'Influencing the future of the New Forest through informed debate’ Potential Savings and Efficiencies

2 Purposes of the Panel Section 1.2 of the Panel’s Constitution provides direction with regard to the work of the Panel: The overall purpose of the Panel is to:  help ensure the conservation of the special qualities of the New Forest National Park and its environs;  promote the understanding and enjoyment of these qualities; and  have regard for people's diverse needs and uses. October 2015 NEW FOREST CONSULTATIVE PANEL

3 Proposal – Panel savings and efficiencies  Reduce number of meetings from six (bi- monthly) to four (quarterly) – Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec (reducing the meeting support costs by a third).  Move from paper to e-mail distribution of agendas wherever possible (current paper/copying/postage costs approximately £100 per meeting).  Hall/microphone savings.

4 Cost per Consultative Panel meeting (NPA Only) unitNumberCost /unitTotal ££ £ PaperCopying (10 sheets/agenda)80x1080011.16 AgendasEnvelopes801.64 Postage costs801.0685.00 Paper (10 sheets/agenda)80x108004.00 Total Paper agendas101.80 Room hireBrock Village Hall hire1123.60 Microphones/technical1420.00 Total room cost543.60 Staff timeRoom set upHours1.525.0037.50 Secretariat (3 officers)Hours925.00225.00 Agenda settingHours225.0050.00 CopyingHours125.00 NPA Officers incl. CEO x 2Hours625.00150.00 MinutesHours225.0050.00 General admin costs in year216.50 Officer mileage (5x Av 20 mil)Miles1000.4545.00 Total officer expenses799.00 Total average cost per meeting1,444.40

5 Projected savings – reducing down to four Panel meetings per year Total costs  Existing - £1,440.40 x 6 meetings = £8,642.40 p.a.  Proposed - £1,440.40 x 4 meetings = £5,761.60 p.a.  Saving by reducing to four meetings = £2,880.80 Costs excluding staff time  Existing - £645.40 x 6 = £3,872.40 p.a.  Proposed - £645.40 x 4 = £2,581.60 p.a.  Saving by reducing to four meetings = £1,290.80

6 Venue and sound system  The secretariat have investigated alternative venues which can accommodate up to 80 Panel members  There are two viable options

7 Brockenhurst Village Hall  Cost (hall hire plus mics and onsite support) - £170 per meeting  Four fixed and two roving mics.  Centrally located  Current venue for Panel meetings  The meeting would need to be held on Wednesday evenings because of a prior regular booking

8 Lyndhurst Community Centre  Cost (hall hire plus mics with on-call support) - £143 per meeting  Three microphones (one fixed and two roving)  Centrally located  Projector and screen are fixed  Meetings could remain on Thursday evenings

9 Projected savings re. hall/micrphone system  Existing cost - £543 per meeting (mics and hall hire)  Proposed (Brock VH) - £170.00 per meeting Saving £543 - £170 = £373  Proposed (Lyndhurst Comm. Centre) - £143.00 per meeting Saving £543 - £143 = £400

10 Projected overall savings  Reducing Panel meetings down to 4 p.a. - £2,880  Savings through e-mail agenda distribution - £100.00 per meeting, £400 p.a. (based on 4 meetings p.a.)  Savings on hall/microphone system (Lyndhurst Comm. Centre or Brock VH) - £373 or £400 per meeting (£1,492 or £1,600 p.a. - based on 4 meetings p.a.)  Total projected annual savings £2,880 + £400 + (£1,492 or £1,600) = £4,772 - £4,880

11 Proposal – agenda setting Appoint a working group of the Chairman and top table reps to agree draft agenda items for coming year – Panel members canvassed for input. Benefits: o Agendas planned and structured in advance. o In year changes can be made to the agendas as new issues arise or priorities change. o Potential Panel workshop sessions can be identified by the Working Group, i.e. review of Panel Constitution.

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