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Human anatomy MUSCULAR SYSTEM dr. Dea Amanda dr. Dea Amanda Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Unitri Malang.

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Presentation on theme: "Human anatomy MUSCULAR SYSTEM dr. Dea Amanda dr. Dea Amanda Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Unitri Malang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human anatomy MUSCULAR SYSTEM dr. Dea Amanda dr. Dea Amanda Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Unitri Malang

2 The muscular system is made up of.. muscles & tendons

3 Tendon vs Ligamen

4 Why do I need tendons? Feel your tendon right above your heel in the back of your leg.. Tendons attach my muscles to my bone helping my body move.. This is the thickest tendon in your body..

5 My muscles move my body like strings move a puppet..

6 1.All types of body movement Fungsi Otot..

7 2.Penopang tubuh & maintain posture Fungsi Otot..

8 3.Produksi panas Fungsi Otot..

9 How do muscles work? Muscles can't push, They pull.. Muscles often work in pairs, so that they can pull in different / opposite directions

10 Ciri2 Otot.. 1)Kontraktilitas  serabut otot (=muscle cell/muscle fiber) contracts 2)Ekstensibilitas  ability to stretch me>i pjg otot (saat relax) 3)Elastisitas  dpt kembali ke ukuran semula stlh contracts /stretch

11 Ways to Strengthen the Muscular System Eat well-balanced meals (protein) Exercise at least 3 times a week Can you think of more ways?

12 Klasifikasi.. Struktural: 1.Skeletal muscle 2.Cardiac muscle 3.Smooth muscle Fungsional: –Volunter : 1 –Involunter : 2,3

13 Types of Muscle..


15 1. Skeletal Muscle


17 Naming Skeletal Muscles.. Skeletal Muscle Direction of Muscle Fibers LocationSize Number Of Origins Shape Origin & Insertion Action

18 Direction of Muscle Fibers..  Relative to the Midline RECTUS = parallel to the midline –Rectus Abdominus TRANSVERSUS = perpendicular to midline –Transversus Abdominus OBLIQUE = diagonal to midline –Obliqus external –Obliqus internal

19 Location..  Structure near which muscle is found –FRONTALIS = near FRONTAL bone –OCCIPITALIS = near OCCIPITAL bone

20 Size..  Relative Size of Muscle MAXIMUS = largest –Gluteus Maximus MEDIUS = middle –Gluteus Medius MINIMUS = smallest –Gluteus Minimus

21 Size..  Relative Size of Muscle LONGUS = longest –Fibularis Longus BREVIS = short –Fibularis Brevis TERTIUS = shortest –Fibularis Tertius

22 Number of Origins..  Number of tendons of origin BICEPS = Two –Biceps Brachii TRICEPS = Three –Triceps Brachii

23 Number of Origins..  Number of tendons of origin QUADRICEPS = Four –Quadriceps Femoris

24 Shape..  Relative Shape of the Muscle DELTOID = triangular shape Δ TRAPEZIUS = trapezoid shape SERRATUS = saw- toothed ♒ RHOMBOIDEUS = rhomboid shape TERES = round ○


26 Origin & Insertion.. Origo: attachment to an immoveable bone Insersio: attachment to a movable bone CORACOBRACHIALIS= attaches to the proc. Coracoideus & humerus

27 Action.. NAMEACTIONEXAMPLE FLEXOR Decrease angle at a joint Flexor Carpi Radialis EXTENSOR Increase angle at a joint Extensor Carpi Ulnaris ABDUCTOR Move bone away from midline Abductor Pollicis Longus ADDUCTOR Move bone toward midline Adductor Longus LEVATOR Produce upward movement Levator Scapulae DEPRESSOR Produce downward movement Depressor Labii Inferioris SUPINATOR Turn palm upward/anterior Supinator PRONATOR Turn palm downward/posterior Pronator Teres



30 Head & Neck Muscles

31 Frontalis: elevate eyebrows  Orbicularis Oculi: close eyelid Zygomaticus: draw angle of lip upward Buccinator: draws cheeks against teeth Orbicularis Oris: closes mouth  Platysma: draws lower lip down & back  Cranial Aponeurosis: connects frontalis to occipitalis Temporalis: elevates mandible Occipitalis: draws scalp back Masseter: elevates mandible Sternocleidomastoid: –Flexes head –Draws head toward shoulder

32 Muscles of Mastication Masseter: elevates mandible Temporalis: elevates mandible Medial pterygoid: elevates mandible Lateral pterygoid: depresses mandible

33 Key Muscles of Facial Expression Frowning Muscles –Frontalis –Orbicularis Oris –Depressor Anguli Oris –Depressor Labii Inferioris –Mentalis –Platysma

34 Smiling Muscles –Orbicularis Oculi –Nasalis –Levator Labii Superioris –Levator Anguli Superioris –Zygomaticus Key Muscles of Facial Expression

35 to be continued..

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