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F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 CA.BHB 0400CA.SNH 0110CA.SNI 0120 CA.VVS 0100 CA.DHG/DVG 0130 CA.VVS 0200 CA.MTV 0215 CA.BPM 0220 CA.DHG/DVG.

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Presentation on theme: "F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 CA.BHB 0400CA.SNH 0110CA.SNI 0120 CA.VVS 0100 CA.DHG/DVG 0130 CA.VVS 0200 CA.MTV 0215 CA.BPM 0220 CA.DHG/DVG."— Presentation transcript:

1 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 CA.BHB 0400CA.SNH 0110CA.SNI 0120 CA.VVS 0100 CA.DHG/DVG 0130 CA.VVS 0200 CA.MTV 0215 CA.BPM 0220 CA.DHG/DVG 0225CA.SNG 0230CA.SNG 0250 CA.BPM 0240 CA.BPM 0260 CA.BPM 0310 CA.BPM 0380 CA.DHG/DVG 0245CA.DHG/DVG 0265CA.DHG/DVG 0320CA.DHG/DVG 0385CA.DHB/DVB 0270 CA.ICT 0210 CA.VVS 0300 CA.QFD 0350CA.QFD 0360CA.QDD 0355 CA.BPR 0370 CA.BPM 0410 CA.MTV 0390 CA.MTV 0420 CA.VVS 0500 CA.SDH 0340 CA.DHB/DVB 0230CA.DHB/DVB 0250 ACS 0230ACS 0250ACS 0270 DUM 0450 TBTS ITL CA.MTV 0125 (virtual cathode) CA.FCU 0430 #1 – CTF3 Committee: CALIFES STATUS

2 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 Intense activity since several months Alignment is more difficult than expected: Future plans: Before week 20: vacuum break by CERN Week 20 and 21: (CEA team at CERN) - disassembly of elements between gun and LIL1 including BPM n°1 for realignment (errors found between CERN and CEA alignment data) - disassembly of all BPM-DHG/DVG, MTV supports for alignment investigation Objective: sealing and vacuum pumping of the whole linac end of w21 →Need close support - from CERN Vacuum group - from CERN Alignment team during 15-16 and 19-21 May Beam line installation (including laser transport line) and Alignment ICT 0210 MTV 0215 Electron beam Gun LIL1

3 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 The bakeout of the gun must include the RF waveguides and can include some elements after the valve if necessary Photo-injector Bakeout Attention: Temperature must be limited around MTV 0215 MTV 0215 Valve VVS 0200 RF Gun cavity

4 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 Command-Control, BPM and Laser system Command/Control: Intense activity on C/C for the three next months particularly for BPM BPM: Electronic chassis installed in CLEX-G (see picture) Laser system: Energy per pulse two low → not possible to work on the pulse shaping Beam delivery from Laser room to CLEX-A laser table validated (transport under vacuum along 60 meters)

5 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 Circular phase shifter Mode convertor: Brazing test on a scale one prototype succeeded → OK to start the two final convertors → scheduled for end of 2008 Circular sliding waveguides: → non conformity (turning) before brazing for few pieces → negotiations with supplier

6 F. Peauger - CEA DSM IRFU SACM 18 May 2008 High Voltage Modulator Second step of the acceptance test with PPT High power load, bidirectional coupler, Low Level RF system including Peak Power meter and mixer to measure more precisely the voltage ripple and pulse-to- pulse stability (Jitter) Ripple = ±0.3% Jitter = ± 0.2% (Measured at 270kV, 280A, 32MW, 3.3Hz at sat.) → Acceptable values for CALIFES Successful collaboration Before PFN tuning After PFN tuning

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