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Chap 11 and 13 Review. #1 Protein Has iron Carries the oxygen More red with oxygen, purple without In erythrocytes.

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Presentation on theme: "Chap 11 and 13 Review. #1 Protein Has iron Carries the oxygen More red with oxygen, purple without In erythrocytes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chap 11 and 13 Review

2 #1 Protein Has iron Carries the oxygen More red with oxygen, purple without In erythrocytes

3 #2 Take blood and mix with A antibody, B antibody, and Rh antibody Clumps with A antibody = A blood type Clumps with B antibody = B blood type Clumps with A and B antibody = AB blood type Clumps with neither antibody = O blood type Clumps with Rh antibody = + blood type

4 #3 Blood pressure in capillaries (arterial end) pushes oxygen and sugar out of blood into cells (part b in diagram) Osmotic pressure in the capillaries (venule end) pushes carbon dioxide and wastes from cells into blood. (part c in diagram) d

5 #4 Absorbs fat molecules Returns fluid to bloodstream Produces lymphocytes

6 #6 Above the heart Produces the T-lymphocytes Larger in children since they are still developing their immunity

7 #7 Made of deactivated or weakened viral particles Trigger immune response, body makes antibodies against the virus which will remain in body if body ever exposed to same virus again. Antibodies help to deactivate viruses

8 #8 Dead cells, dead tissues, white blood cells, water and plasma

9 #9 Released by basophil cells Causes capillaries to dilate Causes swelling, runny nose, watery eyes Released during an inflammatory response due to damaged tissue from trauma, chemicals or pathogens

10 #10 Viruses or bacteria Cause disease Transferred by coughing, sneezing, etc into the air

11 #11 Y-shaped proteins Attach to antigens on the surface of a pathogen marking pathogen for destruction by neutrophils or monocytes (macrophages)

12 #12 Medication to fight bacterial infections (not viral infections!!)

13 #13 Elephantiasis – filarial worm clogs the lymphatic vessels causing extreme swelling of extremities Stroke – high blood pressure or atherosclerosis. Blood vessel ruptures in brain damaging surrounding cells Edema – lack of movement, high salt diet. Fluid build up in lymphatic vessels causing swelling.

14 #13 cont Hemophilia – Genetic. Missing clotting factors, blood doesn’t clot normally. Leukemia – Cancer. Too many WBCs made and malformed WBCs. Malaria – Parasite transmitted by mosquito. Chills, fatigue and death. Anemia – Look blood iron. Fatigue

15 #14 Erthryocytes thrombocytes

16 #15 Clumping of blood cells when antibodies bind to antigens

17 #16 Can be spread by an infectious agent like bacteria or viruses.

18 #17 Spleen – stores and purifies blood Thymus – produces T-lymphocytes Lymph nodes – contains lymphocytes, filters lymph fluid Bone marrow – contains stem cells from which all blood cells are derived

19 #18 Cell mediated immunity Killer T-cells (cytotoxic T-cells) produce perforin which causes cancer cells to become “holey” and leak out

20 #19 To kill all pathogens

21 #20 Tissue

22 #21 Eosinophils – phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes Monocytes – phagocytize pathogens B-cells – produce antibodies to stick to the pathogen’s antigens and deactivate pathogens by clumping them up

23 #22 Vascular spasm Platelet plug formation Coagulation

24 #23 Skin-- Mucus-- Sweat and Tears-- Inflammatory Response Fever-- Interferons--

25 #24 Risk of rejection Finding a donor Risk of infection Risky surgery

26 #25 Enters cells and reproduces inside of them. Eventually viral particles will burst out of cell killing cell.

27 #26 Temperature regulation Gas and nutrient transport Fights infection Prevent hemorrhaging

28 #27 Red bone marrow Multipotent stem cell

29 #28 See worksheet chart on blood typing

30 #29 Killer T - cell

31 #30 B-cells

32 #31 A protein made by a virally infected cell that will make other cells more resistant to the virus Interferes with viral replication

33 #32 Leukemia – too many WBCs and malformed WBCs. Sickle cell anemia – RBCs sickle shaped Normal blood – RBCs are many, round and bright red Malaria – parasite within RBC African Sleeping Sickness – worm looking protozoan parasites in blood

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