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Correct answers. a.England b. Northern Ireland c. Ireland.

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1 correct answers

2 a.England b. Northern Ireland c. Ireland

3 a. Edinburgh b. Cardiff c. London

4 a.Scotland b. Ireland c. Wales

5 a. St. George b. St. Andrew c. St. Patrick

6 a. The National flag b. Union Jack c. St. George’s flag

7 a. Sunday fish b. Sunday lamb c. Sunday roast

8 a. bacon, potatoes, beef b. sausages, peas, eggs c. eggs, baked beans, sausages

9 a. around 2 million people b. around 7 million people c. around 10 million people

10 a. around 900 years old b. around 500 years old c. 2000 years old

11 a. open for traffic b. which can be raised c. where you can take nice photos

12 a.The Duke of Edinburgh b. The King of England c. The Duke of York

13 a. Westminster Abbey b. Buckingham Palace c. Westminster Palace

14  100 cents b. 100 pence c. 100 gold

15 a. father and son b. brothers c. uncle and nephew

16 a.Prince William b. Prince Andrew c. Prince Charles

17  the rose b) the tulip c) the lilly

18  The most famous animal at the London Zoo  A favourite children’s game  A traditional English dish

19 a. A boxing competition b. The day after Christmas Day c. The day when the greatest boxers of Britain are celebrated

20 a. Manchester, Dublin, York, Oxford b. Oxford, Nottingham, Brighton, Sheffield c. Manchester, Liverpool, New-York, Glasgow

21 a. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland b. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland c. The United Kingdom of Great Britain

22 St. Paul’s Cathedral

23 Wimbledon

24 The flag of Wales

25 Guy Fawkes Night

26 Henry VIII

27 Harrods

28 Sherlock Holmes

29 William Shakespeare

30 Beatles

31 The Gherkin /30 St. Mary Axe

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