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Welcome to the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy Open House 2013 Fourth Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy Open House 2013 Fourth Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy Open House 2013 Fourth Grade

2 Meet Miss Linning  Education: North Central College in Naperville, IL o Teaching endorsements in math, general science, and physical science  Enjoys reading, playing board games, and doing arts and crafts projects

3 Magnet Academy  The purpose of the Magnet Academy is to “enrich and extend the district curriculum for students who need and will embrace that challenge”  The elementary program (3-4) does this through: o Interdisciplinary themes and units o Integration of science topics into reading instruction o Hands-on experiences to take learning further o Additional instructional minutes dedicated to STEM activities, including special programs

4 Magnet Academy, continued  Specials classes every 3 rd day all year o Art (Mrs. Gervais) o Music (Mrs. Huggins) o P.E. (Mr. Swanson)  Encore classes meet in 12-week blocks o Horticulture (Mrs. Cartwright) o Digital Music (Mrs. Huggins) o Robotics (Mr. Trygar)  Engineering & Technology time  Science and Social Studies are taught every day

5 Our Class Schedule PeriodTimeClass 18:00 am – 8:44 amSocial Studies 28:47 am – 9:31 amEncore 39:34 am – 10:18 am Engineering & Technology 410:21 am – 11:05 amMath 511:08 am – 11:52 amLunch 611:55 am – 12:39 pmScience 712:42 pm – 1:26 pmSpecial 81:29 pm – 2:13 pmLiteracy 92:16 pm – 3:00 pmLiteracy

6 Core Subjects and Curriculum  Literacy- ELA Common Core Units, Write Tools, Daily Language Instruction  Mathematics - enVision Math (Pearson)  Science – Science Fusion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)  Social Studies - Our Country’s Regions (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill)  Engineering & Technology - Science Fusion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

7 Reading (Literacy)  Types of Reading o Shared Reading o Read Aloud o Independent Reading  While reading, we focus on: o Fluency o Accuracy o Comprehension o Expanding Vocabulary

8 Writing (Literacy)  Good writing skills are critical both to students’ academic achievement and to their future success in society.  We write to: o Respond to a text o Analyze a text o Explain our reasoning (extended response) o Convey information (informational) o Share personal experiences (personal narrative) o Persuade or share our point of view (opinion) o Entertain (narrative)

9 Mathematics  Twenty Topics within the Fourth Grade book  Each topic has about six or seven lessons.  Our lessons are grouped around the following ideas: o Operations & Algebraic Thinking o Number & Operations in Base Ten o Number & Operations—Fractions o Measurement & Data o Geometry

10 8 Math Practices  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  Model with mathematics.  Use appropriate tools strategically.  Attend to precision.  Look for and make use of structure.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

11 Science  Quarter 1: In Home Rooms o Studying Science, Weather  Quarters 2-4: Students will rotate to each teacher for 1 Quarter o Mrs. Gorski: Earth and Space Sciences, Life Sciences o Plants & Animals, Energy & Ecosystems, Earth & Space o Miss Linning: Physical Sciences o Energy, Electricity, Motion o Ms. Lipscomb: Chemical Sciences o Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter

12 Social Studies  Geography of the United States o The Southwest, The Southeast, The Northeast, The Middle West, The Mountain States, The West  History of the United States  Illinois history  State research projects  Mystery state boxes

13 Engineering & Technology  Engineering is one of the fastest-growing careers today with a growing number of job possibilities  Students will have the opportunity to learn about and use a variety of technology: o laptops, SMART Boards, SMART Response, digital cameras, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

14 Engineering & Technology Goals  Define a problem that addresses a need or a want.  Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem.  Plan and carry out fair tests of a model or prototype that can be improved.  Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.  Use technology to communicate ideas and discoveries.  Explain how technology is used in science for a variety of purposes  Describe the effects on society of scientific and technological innovations  Identify and explain ways that science and technology impact human life and the environment.

15 Homework  Your laptop must come to school EVERY DAY and go home EVERY NIGHT.  Thirty minutes of silent reading each night.  Math homework (almost) every night. o Practice side is graded for accuracy o Enrichment side is an effort grade only  Students may have assigned readings from our class book that they need to complete at home.  There will be a variety projects to do at home.  Students are expected to be responsible for their own homework.

16 Grading  Homework is 30% of overall grade.  Assessment is 50% of the overall grade.  Classwork is 20% of the overall grade. Grading Scale: A 90%-100% B 80%-89.9% C 70%-79.9% D 60%-69.9%  Late Policy: The grade drops by 10% every day it is late. After 5 days, the maximum a student could earn if he/she turned in the assignment is 50%

17 Contact Information  Email: o Preferred Contact is by email  School Phone Number: (630) 978-9482  Website:  Students will be using Edmodo as a resource as well

18 Websites and Resources  8 Math Practices: o  Next Generation Science Standards: o  Math Textbook: o  Science Textbook: o

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