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BLOGS. What is a blog? A weblog, or a blog, is a web application which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. Source:

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2 What is a blog? A weblog, or a blog, is a web application which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. Source: Wikipedia Blogs are currently the province of the young, with 92.4% of blogs created by people under the age of 30. -Darlene Fichter, University of Saskatchewan, March 2004

3 Before You Start blogging… Go to:

4 blog Definitions Blog: A web log. Blogger: Someone who creates and maintains a blog. Blogging: The process of creating and maintaining a web log. Blogsphere: The totality of blogs; a community or social network of blogs. Blogroll: A list of a blogger’s favorite blogs, usually placed on the side of that blogger’s blog.

5 Why are blogs cool? Web-based –NO client software to download and learn. –Can be updated from any Internet-connected computer. Absurdly easy to use –You DON’T have to know or use HTML. –You DON’T have to know or use FTP. NOT solitary –The community of blogs and bloggers make up a vast social network.

6 Anatomy of a blog

7 Blogs in Education Collaboration Creative Works Critique Experiences Experiments Inquiry Journaling News Reporting Projects Blogs Portfolio Report Writing Timeline Projects Vocabulary Blog

8 Our ABC Blook on Blogging

9 Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog

10 Mr. Wright’s Third Grade Class

11 HAPPY HEADLINES Miss Higginbothan's Weblog

12 ASK Partnerships: Jim Stovall, The Ultimate Gift

13 Blogging Do’s Do: Get parental permission. Know your school and district acceptable use policies (AUPs) and convey them to your students. Avoid blogging sites that require students to publish their complete names and/or e-mail accounts. Avoid sites that ask students for any personal information. Make students aware of what subject matter is appropriate and permissible. Teach students the importance of tone and respect for others' opinions. Have clear expectations, rules, and consequences. Remember that with risk comes growth and learning.

14 Blogging Do’s Gradually introduce students to blogging: Teach them the etiquette of online posting. Invite students to use blogs for a few days just for fun -- until they get used to how the system works. Create your own blog too. Assign one blog entry per week on a class-related topic; keep required lengths short and emphasize reflection. Over time, encourage students to provide feedback on one another's blogs; to evaluate blogs outside of class; and to create group blogs. Grade students on their blog entries. Evaluate such factors as time management, content, and grammar and spelling.

15 Out Education Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas (ESSDACK) is in the business of working with K-12 educators to improve education throughout Kansas. Provides specific examples and strategies for creating electronic, educational, experiential, and engaging scrapbooks!

16 Martha Bogart & Ruth Block Cooperating School Districts 314-692-1258; 314-692-1272;

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