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1 ATLAS Upgrade WP4 Face to Face meeting Sheffield 25 th August 2011 Richard French – The University of Sheffield Ian Mercer – Lancaster, Martin Gibson,

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Presentation on theme: "1 ATLAS Upgrade WP4 Face to Face meeting Sheffield 25 th August 2011 Richard French – The University of Sheffield Ian Mercer – Lancaster, Martin Gibson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ATLAS Upgrade WP4 Face to Face meeting Sheffield 25 th August 2011 Richard French – The University of Sheffield Ian Mercer – Lancaster, Martin Gibson, John Mattheson, Ian Wilmut RAL, Georg Viehausser- Oxford Cooling update task 2

2 Next few months view 1.6 &1.2m long objects Pressure drop measurements Alexander Bildatze (GLA/CERN)- components ready to go. Some at CERN. Manufacture of 2mm ID Ti circuits and qualification ongoing. Lancs bending trial good and formers from Sheffield ok– Testing on 2.275mm slot drills proved swarf removal issues, now at precision grinder for secondary angle alteration. Re- stock of cooling circuits and stavelet circuits. Include pressure testing etc. IM made lots. Material reduction & welding. Raw material price of Titanium has increased dramatically (also purchased in € so currency difference is a factor). Monitoring this as when to purchase more. Need to establish what we want? Personally unhappy with the unusual OD of the IBL tube, will show a plot of each decimal point accuracy v cost and time (next WP4 as not essential but proving a point). Scratch start weld head tests at CERN end Sept. Ti procured (similar to ours). RF, DF, GM. Weld head development Now have some access to next generation weld head, testing will be done on 2.275mm Ti – long lead times. 4H smaller weld head purchased. Statistical trial for repeatability of welds. Electrode type & profile Testing 5 electrode types borrowed from Rolls Royce. Not sure if these are making any difference, need to establish test. Weld head temperature measurement is in progress. Currently burning sensors. IR camera and mirror idea needs trying out. Need to work out how to calibrate arc temp to head temp reliably. Possibly change to manual torch on M200 to enable clear view of what the arc profile looks like (faster results) Fittings Vac brazed stubs ready for manufacture (6LV VCR to Ti interface for welding) ready to collect. CP2 ti fittings – material sourced from Sandvik. Need to check cost out v custom fitting from Swagelok or Fti plus the effort put in at QMUL. Re-manufacture of 6LV VCR thin wall fittings as run out. Thermal shock etc in the pipe line at some point. 2

3 Plans for AUW Comprehensive data set for 316L orbital welding.... To finish and sign off as a viable material with joining system for ATU Weld testing data is a must as thin. Chip testing with welding, ABCN-13, FE-I4 with USBPix, (possible alternative head test results if time) We still do not have a representative structure for tests. 3

4 Previous Status Update on sub tasks From weekly meetings Thermal shock work waiting for drawings, may need to re-think as dropped right off list. Weld head mods at Sheffield – have new small weld head on loan from manufacturer. Have constructed digital IO to analogue IO module to interface to M200. Not tested yet. Bending to continue at Lancs – need to finish a welded service duct. Production of cooling circuits and stavelet circuits in all materials to production list from RF. Welding tests with scratch start orbital head to be done at CERN with RF, DF and GM in June. This is only compatible with 8mm tube as weld head is a monster to accommodate cam mount of electrode. Could be made smaller. From QMUL FtoF IBL Ti joint order on hold as final diameter and wall thickness is not yet decided. Once this is done then we will contribute to a joint Ti order. FEI4 chip using USB-PIX readout will be done at RAL late June. Weld head temperature measurement is in progress. Currently burning sensors. Need to work out how to calibrate arc temp to head temp reliably. 6LV stainless to CP2 Ti 1/8” stalks ready to collect from vac brazing – need to pay. In-situ tube cutting and preparation with powered tooling – working prototype from Lancs. 4 New M200 welding software is subtly different to previous version. Initial start arc better but arc ramp down is worse causing problems for Ti. Not yet resolved as unbelievably tricky.

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