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Presented by: TJ Ward Kim Callahan John Hamilton Scott Andrews.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: TJ Ward Kim Callahan John Hamilton Scott Andrews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: TJ Ward Kim Callahan John Hamilton Scott Andrews

2 We used an inclined sheet rock base with glued wooden slats along it. The marble is placed at the top and gravity carries it along from slat to slat until it stops at the end. The slats are placed at different angles allowing the ball to reach the endpoint in 15 seconds. Timer is started when the marble is released and the timer stops when the marble comes to rest.

3 The marble – Transfers gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. The marble transfers energy from slat to slat until coming to rest at the bottom of the ramp. Coefficient of Restitution is involved when the marble collides with the wall at the bottom. mgh = 1/2mv² m₁v₁+m₂v₂=m₁v₁’+m₂v₂’ e=-(v₂’-v₁’)/(v₂-v₁)

4 We were going to create a roller coaster just by wrapping a water hose around and dropping the marble down. However, this idea was widely shared by many and we chose to go with Rollerball instead. We chose to use a sheet rock base because our previous use of plywood was not successful. Also we had to add tape to slow the marble slightly and to keep it from falling off.

5 The building of this contraption took approximately one hour not including meetings, planning, and trial and error. Materials include: sheet rock, plywood, marble, screws, wood slats, and wood glue. Total costs was around $15. Problems we encountered: previous plan failed because tubing was not flexible and did not follow guidelines. This caused us to rethink our plan and come up with Rollerball.

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