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Animal Adaptations Adaptation = anything that allows the organism to survive better in its environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Adaptations Adaptation = anything that allows the organism to survive better in its environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Adaptations Adaptation = anything that allows the organism to survive better in its environment

2 Adaptations for LIFE ON LAND Amniotic egg – provides food and protection (shell) to developing embryo – Reptiles were the first to develop this type of egg

3 REPRODUCTIVE Adaptations Internal fertilization – sperm is more likely to reach proper destination; eggs are protected inside female for some time

4 PREDATOR Adaptations Speed – lions, cheetahs, etc. Toxin production (to stun or kill prey) – tentacles of jellyfish paralyzes prey, venomous snakes

5 Hunt in dark – Echolocation –bats – locate food using sound waves – Night vision/big eyes – owl

6 PREY Adaptations Mimicry – harmless species looks like harmful species; ex. Scarlet King Snake False eyes – Io moth

7 Camouflage – blending in with environment; ex. walking stick, snowshoe hare; chameleon

8 Warning colors and toxins – Monarch butterfly (orange) – toxin makes birds sick – Poison dart frogs (brightly colored)

9 Puffing up – making yourself look bigger Spontaneous regeneration – ex. lizards that can lose tails and grow them back

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