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“[It was a] splendid little war; begun with highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit” – Sec. of State John Hay.

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Presentation on theme: "“[It was a] splendid little war; begun with highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit” – Sec. of State John Hay."— Presentation transcript:

1 “[It was a] splendid little war; begun with highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit” – Sec. of State John Hay

2 EQ: What was the primary motive for entering the Spanish-American War in 1898?

3 Cuba Previous US involvement? Cubans revolted against Spanish (1895) – Gen. Valeriano Weyler + troops sent Concentration camps (reconcentration)

4 Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism Joseph Pulitzer – NY World William Randolph Hearst – NY Journal "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war."


6 USS Maine Sent to Havana harbor Feb 15, 1898 exploded killing 262 men Spanish blamed “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!” Investigations Pulitzer’s World Hearst’s Journal

7 McKinley’s response Did not want war  Criticism – “what McKinley is: weak and catering to the rabble…a low politician, who desires to leave a door open to me and to stand well with the jingoes of his party” - Spanish ambassador, Depuy de Lome (“De Lome letter”) – TR said McKinley had “no more backbone than a chocolate éclair” Pressured Spanish to make concessions

8 WAR April 11, 1898 McKinley sent ambiguous war message to Congress – Was it really calling for war? April 19 - Congress authorized using troops & recognized Cuban independence Teller Amendment = US would not annex Cuba – Was this honorable?

9 9 The Philippines Cuba USA

10 War Began in the Philippines Feb. 25 th Asst. Sec. of Navy TR had sent orders to Commodore Dewey Most crucial battle of war - May 1, 1898 in Manila Bay – US won within 7 hours – 10 Spanish ships sunk

11 The Storming of Manila Aug. 13 th - Manila captured with the help of Filipino rebels, led by Emilio Aguinaldo – Belief that US had no territorial ambitions

12 Fighting in Cuba

13 TR’s Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry unit July 1 - Battle of San Juan Hill (1 st and last major land battle) – Charge up Kettle Hill

14 Detail from Charge of the 24th and 25th Colored Infantry at San Juan Hill, July 2, 1898 African- American units crucial to the success at the Battle of San Juan Hill

15 Puerto Rico and Guam easily taken

16 War’s Toll on U.S. Soldiers 4 month war Only 385 men died in battle ~5,000 died from tropical disease & bad food

17 Treaty of Paris (1898) Cease-fire August 12 Treaty signed Dec 10 (ratified Feb 6) – Cuban independence – Spain ceded Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico for 20 mil.

18 Results U.S. = world power TR elected McKinley’s VP in 1900 Spain’s former colonies???

19 Continuing U.S. Influence in Cuba Cuban independence but US kept Cuba under military governor (Leonard Wood) until 1902 1901 Platt Amendment allowed U.S.many economic rights in Cuba naval base right to intervene if Cuban sovereignty was threatened

20 The Philippine Question Debates over annexation – Filipinos wanted independence – Imperialists vs. anti- imperialists (jingoism vs. continentalism)

21 EQ: What was the primary motive for entering the Spanish-American War in 1898?

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