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District Leadership SCCOE October, 2010.  How are things going with this first SW-PBIS cohort? What has worked? What are challenges? What tangible outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "District Leadership SCCOE October, 2010.  How are things going with this first SW-PBIS cohort? What has worked? What are challenges? What tangible outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Leadership SCCOE October, 2010

2  How are things going with this first SW-PBIS cohort? What has worked? What are challenges? What tangible outcomes have you seen from Tier 1 PBIS implementation so far?

3 Vision  Moving forward, what are your goals related to behavior & discipline in your district & schools? What would you hope for in your continuing PBIS efforts? How would you like this to look in 5 years? Do you know what your schools want next?

4  How does your vision & PBIS efforts fit with other initiatives and district plan? Is behavior/discipline a formally stated priority? Where/how?

5 SW-PBIS Implementation Logic

6 Re: SW-PBIS  In the past year, what active steps have you taken at the district level to support or plan for: Implementation fidelity in the schools Sustained implementation Continuing evolution Communication between schools & district Political support & visibility Funding

7 Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002

8 Coaching  In this past year, how has your district coaching plan worked to support SW-PBIS implementation?

9 District SW-PBIS Self Assessment & Action Plan


11 SW-PBIS: Current Training  Team Problem Solving & Data Based Decision Making Coaching is Critical  Check In/Check Out Begin thinking about:  Who will manage CICO in schools? Resources, Roles, Job Descriptions  What data systems will be used?  Who will provide coaching: support & monitoring?

12 Individual Student Systems

13 N = 2565 713 266 474 9%19%24% 18%


15 SW-PBIS District Planning

16 Primary Prevention: School/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: FBA  BSP for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PRIORITY #1 PRIORITY #2 Implement Accurately & Sustain PRIORITY #3 PrePlanning: Coordinating Roles & Responsibilities

17 GOOD FASTCHEAP When implementing an innovation, you may pick any two. Wexelblatt’s Scheduling Algorithm

18 Behavior Interventions Audit  Identify all programs, resources & personnel dedicated to behavioral intervention for students with challenging behavior Some examples: Counseling groups Mentoring programs District Behavior Specialists Detention monitors Behavior analysts Behavior classrooms Out of district placements

19 District Behavior Data Audit

20 Tier 2 Systems Considerations  Personnel District Behavior Specialist  Examine Roles & Responsibilities  Systems Coaching Capacity for Tier 2 School  Tier 2 Intervention manager Examine roles & responsibilities of existing personnel  Teaming structure Examine existing teaming processes  Data Systems For monitoring individual student progress for behavior (recommended SWIS-CICO)  Training Needs

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