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House of Change Zebby Clemons.

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1 House of Change Zebby Clemons

2 Typical Response to Major Change
Individuals tend to follow a predictable pattern of reactions in response to major change. If individuals are aware that it is ‘normal’ to transition through these stages they can plan for this and leaders / coaches can help them through it. The House of Change model is useful in articulating how individuals go through change at work. I have used it very successfully in coaching people through change programmes as it ‘depersonalises’ individual experiences and provides a reference point for coaching conversations.

3 House of Change Paul Kirkbridge and Jim Durcan 1990’s
Paralysis Pit / alternative direction ‘New World’ ‘Current World’ ‘Waiting for change’ ‘Change announced’

4 How it Works All organisations and individuals have to move from room to room in an anticlockwise direction. Organisations will have people in each of the four rooms at any one time. There is no end point – individuals continue to travel through the rooms throughout their career. Survival is not guaranteed. Some organisations and individuals will get stuck and die – usually in Denial. To get from Contentment to Renewal you must travel through Denial and Confusion. Renewal and Revitalisation always turns into Contentment and Complacency – often in an instant. You don’t have to spend the same amount of time in each room and you can slip back into previous rooms. If you are in one of the cellars you have to move back up to the room above in order to move on.

5 The Contentment Room What they say: What they do: ‘We are the best’
Pat each other on the back ‘Nothing can stop us’ Get less cost conscious ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!’ Focus on day-to-day details ‘WE know what we are good at’ Hold expensive sales conferences ‘This is how we’ve always done it and it works fine!’ Publish the history of the company

6 The Denial Room What they say: What they do: ‘THEY are responsible’
Finger pointing and blaming ‘WE can’t do that because.....’ Become irrationally optimistic ‘This has happened before’ Reject key facts, figures etc ‘Yes, a good point, but you don’t really understand’ Avoidance...persisting with current priorities...The ostrich! ‘Our business is different’ Tell stories about past glories Massage the current reality, ‘It ain’t broke, why fix it?!’ Kill the messenger...and miss the message

7 The Confusion Room What they say: What they do:
‘How did we get in this mess?’ Look for direction ‘Where are we going?’ Don’t fully complete anything ‘Why? How? When? Where? Who?...’ Keep busy with trivia for the sake of having something to do ‘There are too many initiatives’ Adopt latest fads ‘Let’s hire a consultant to help us’ Speculate about what might happen – rumours circulate ‘It’s the company’s / management’s fault’ Hire and fire

8 The Renewal Room What they say: What they do: ‘Let’s do it together’
Accept new responsibilities with renewed energy and enthusiasm ‘Let’s make it happen’ Measure progress and set new goals and targets ‘It’s challenging but it feels good’ Explore opportunities ‘We’re making progress’ Become more open to taking risks and to create change ‘Why didn’t we do it earlier?’ Stay focused Communicate more, within and beyond the team

9 Coaching Through Change
Identify where the coachee is in the House of Change i.e. Which room are they in? How long have they been there? How could they move to the next room? Ask coaching questions Paralysis Pit / alternative direction

10 Coaching Through Change Questions
In which of the rooms do you think you are currently living? How might you move to the next room? What options do you have for overcoming the blockages to moving on? What are other organisations/individuals doing? What would be the implications of doing nothing/staying where you are? Who do you think could help you? What have you tried so far? What would be a realistic goal for you? What successes have you had so far? Now you have achieved X what is your next goal?

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