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(7th) Chapter 4-1 Cornell Notes

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1 (7th) Chapter 4-1 Cornell Notes

2 Chapter 4-1: Key Questions:
How does the sun supply living things with the energy they need? Answer 1: _________________________________________ What happens during the process of photosynthesis?

3 Chapter 4-1: Key Terms photosynthesis- autotroph- heterotroph-
pigment- chlorophyll- stomata-

4 Chapter 4-1 Part 1 Sun source of E for most living things;
all cells need E; photosynthesis: the cell process where the sun’s E is used to make food.

5 Chapter 4-1 Part 2 nearly all living things get E directly/indirectly through photosynthesis; autotroph: uses Sun’s E to make food; heterotroph: cannot make its own food.

6 Chapter 4-1 Part 3 photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + water with light = sugars + oxygen; Stage 2: produce sugars. Stage 1: capture Sun’s E;

7 Chapter 4-1 Part 3 (continued)
Stage 1 occurs mostly in leaves; chloroplasts: give plants green color; pigment: colored compounds that gives color; chlorophyll: main photosynthetic pigment in cells; chlorophyll: gets light E and uses it for Stage 2; cell needs 2 raw materials: CO2 + H2O; H2O comes in by roots and CO2 by stomata in leaves.

8 Chapter 4-1 Part 4 in chloroplasts, H2O + CO2 creates sugar and O2 through chemical reactions; plants use sugar for food, make other compounds or stored; O2 leaves cells through stomata; almost all O2 in air made through photosynthesis; 6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6CO2.

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