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COMPARATIVE COSMOGONY (Lecture 7). MESOPOTAMIAANATOLIASYRIA-PALESTINE 3000-2000Sumerian (3000-2000) Akkadian (2300-2100) 2000-1000 Babylonian (2000-1100)

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Presentation on theme: "COMPARATIVE COSMOGONY (Lecture 7). MESOPOTAMIAANATOLIASYRIA-PALESTINE 3000-2000Sumerian (3000-2000) Akkadian (2300-2100) 2000-1000 Babylonian (2000-1100)"— Presentation transcript:


2 MESOPOTAMIAANATOLIASYRIA-PALESTINE 3000-2000Sumerian (3000-2000) Akkadian (2300-2100) 2000-1000 Babylonian (2000-1100) Assyrian (1900-1000) Hurrian (1700-1200) Hittite (1700-1200) Canaanite (2000-1200) Israelite (1200-721) 1000-500Neo-Assyrian (800-500) Neo-Babylonian (600-500)


4 Genesis 1-2:4a Original state = watery chaos [t e hôm]. Elohim creates in six acts, each corresponding to one day: (1) Light (2) Firmament (3) Dry land. Separation of earth / sea. Three orders of vegetation. (4) Sun, moon, stars (5) Birds and fishes (6) Animals and man, male and female together Elohim rests on seventh day.

5 Enuma ElishGenesis deity and nature coexistent deity immanent in natural world deity independent of nature deity transcendent primeval watery chaos (Apsu + Tiamat [ti'amat])primeval watery chaos (Hebrew t e hôm [abyss]) creation through reproductive acts creation of binary pairs creation polytheistic creation through divine utterance creation of binary pairs creation monotheistic light, day, and night come into being before sun and moon light, day, and night created before sun and moon [1:3ff.] Marduk battles dragonlike monsters (Tiamat, Qingu)Yahweh battles dragonlike monsters (tannin, Leviathan, Rahab) creation of firmament (Tiamat's corpse split)creation of firmament [1:6-8] creation of earthcreation of earth [1:9-10] Marduk creates sun and moonYahweh creates sun and moon [1:14-19] Marduk creates human beings from blood of QinguYahweh creates human beings from dust [1:27ff.] Marduk rests and celebratesYahweh rests [2:1-4]

6 Combat Myths Marduk & Tiamat (Babylonian) Teshub & Ullikummi (Hittite) Baal & Yam-Nahar (Canaanite) Yahweh & Leviathan-Rahab (Hebrew) Tiamat gives Tablet of Destinies to Qingu Tiamat & Qingu = water monsters Ullikummi = water monster Yam-Nahar = water monster Leviathan-Rahab- Yam = water monsters Marduk = young son of high god (Ea) Teshub = young son of high god (Kumarbi) Baal = young son of high god (El) Marduk = storm godTeshub = storm godBaal = storm godYahweh = storm god Marduk experiences failure (will) Teshub experiences failure (weapon) Baal experiences failure (weapon) Marduk uses wind + arrow to split Tiamat Teshub uses knife to split Ullikummi from Ubelluri Baal uses Driver and Smasher to kill Yam-Nahar Yahweh defeats Leviathan-Rahab by piercing or splitting Marduk is supreme god Teshub is supreme god Baal is supreme god Yahweh is supreme god

7 Genesis Accounts 1-2:4a2:4b-25 Priestly (P) Tradition (ca. 587-400 BCE) Yahwist-Eloist (J-E) Tradition Yahwist (ca. 1000-992 BCE) Eloist (post 722 BCE) Original state = watery chaos [t e hôm]Original state = waterless, barren plain “Elohim” creates in 6 acts over 6 days“Yahweh Elohim” creates; no note of time Order of Creation: (a) Light (b) Firmament (c) Dry land. Separation earth / sea. (d) Three orders of vegetation (e) Sun, moon, stars (f) Birds and fishes (g) Animals and humans (male and female) Order of Creation: (a) Human [‘adam] out of dust [‘adamah] (b) Garden (c) Trees (d) Animals, beasts, birds (no fish) (e) Woman out of male rib

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