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Summarize the history of voting rights in the United States

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1 Summarize the history of voting rights in the United States
The Right to Vote

2 History of Voting Suffrage- right to vote Growth of Suffrage
1800’s no religious barriers, no property, or tax payments Civil War- 15th Amendment African American Vote 19th Amendment- women receive right to vote 1960’s Finish Securing the vote of African Americans th Amendment- Min. 18

3 Voter Qualification Citizenship- foreign born are generaly not allowed to vote- nothing in the Const. Up to the States Residence- must be a legal residentof the state. Can not be denied citizenship for more than 30 days Dunn v. Blumstein Age- 26th amendment- 18 years old max age

4 Other Qualifications Registration- procedure for voter Registration- North Dakota Some state require party preference Poll Books- names of people- mostly replaced by computers

5 What are major problems with registering?
Less Voter Turn out Answer- Motor Registration Register when you renew your license Mail registration Local Government Buildings

6 Who can not vote? Mental Institutes, legally incompetent (Mr. Williams) Convicted of Serious Crimes Sometimes Dishonorable Discharge from the military

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