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Philip Soderquest Public Safety Unit Manager Public Protection Service Licensing.

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Presentation on theme: "Philip Soderquest Public Safety Unit Manager Public Protection Service Licensing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philip Soderquest Public Safety Unit Manager Public Protection Service Licensing

2 Licensing Act 2003 Licensable Activities –Sale by retail of alcohol –Supply of alcohol (Members clubs) –Provision of regulated entertainment –Provision of late night refreshment

3 Licensing Act 2003 Licensing Objectives –The prevention of crime and disorder –Public safety –The prevention of public nuisance –The protection of children from harm

4 Licensing Act 2003 Authorisation and variation –Premises licence/Club certificate –Temporary Event Notice –Major variation –Minor variation –Mandatory conditions

5 Licensing Act 2003 Current consultations and changes –Deregulation of regulated entertainment –Late night levy –Early morning restriction orders –Payment of fees

6 “Other licensing” Taxi and private hire Tourism and accommodation Gambling Raffles and “small society lotteries”

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