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Lesson Objective: To list the advantages and disadvantages of different coastal management techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objective: To list the advantages and disadvantages of different coastal management techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objective: To list the advantages and disadvantages of different coastal management techniques.

2  Create an acrostic poem that shows your learning of the unit so far. You can choose from the following: CBV OEU AAL SCN THE AR LA B L E

3 There are 2 types of engineering that is used at the coast Hard Engineering= this means using solid structures to resist forces of erosion Soft Engineering (or Holistic approaches)= this is an approach that considers all aspects if management including; environment, social and economic factors. It usually uses smaller structures often from natural resources.



6  Make a table in your book like the one below. Use page 80-81 in your text book and page 98- 99 of Geog.GCSE to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each type of management.  Task 2  What is meant by Integrated Coastal Management Zone (ICZM)? Management Technique Hard or soft Engineering? DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages

7  Imagine you are the following people...which type of management do you think they would go for- Hard or soft engineering? Give reasons for your answer  Tourist Board in a busy tourist area  Local resident living on a cliff top  Local Government who need to improve education in the area  School children who go to the beach every summer

8  Which option would be the most sustainable?  With the person next to you briefly decide which of the options is going to be the most sustainable and why?  Hard engineering  Soft engineering  ICZM

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