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Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 Communication as compliance promotion tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 Communication as compliance promotion tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 Communication as compliance promotion tool

2 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 2 Sorts of instruments

3 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 3 COMMUNICATION Within the inspection organisation With other inspection organisations With other ‘kinds of’ authorities With industry With the public

4 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 4 COMMUNICATION INFLUENCES BEHAVIOUR Five levels: Attention Knowledge Attitude Intention Behaviour

5 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 5 COMMUNICATION AND ENFORCEMENT Influencing perception Objective and subjective chance to get caught Objective chance Subjective chance COMMUNICATION

6 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 6 Influencing perception (of subjective chance to get caught) Visualising actions through publicity, letters to companies etc. Announcing actions in the media (of sanctioning) Publishing results of enforcement actions in the media Publishing issued actions

7 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 7 ‘The peeling model’ 1. Enforcement action 2. Enforcement signals 3. Enforcement action communication 6. Educating communication 7. Topic communication 4. General enforcement communication 5. Communication on regulation 1 2 4 3 5 6 7

8 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 8 COMMUNICATION ACTIONS Publicity - press release - tv item - magazine - radio item Personal - training/course communication - lobbying - personal meeting - group meeting Written and - brochure, leaflet audio-visual - letter, e-mail communication - internet - video

9 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 9 Enforce- ment 1 Syst.compliance 10 control Compliance monitoring 30 Compliance promotion 40 Practical evaluation of regul. Compliance strategy 60 Block escape routes Promotion of implementation to 80 public and regulating bodies Dissemination of regulations to all parties State publication Press Building pressure to comply with regulations % of non compliance Building up reproacha- bility to offenders

10 Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 10 COMPLIANCE PROMOTION Offering education and information on the law (and regulations) Promoting technology development and evaluation Encouraging technology transfer Consulting on regulations being developed or being reviewed Developing environmental codes of practice and guidelines Promoting environmental audits

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