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 By Ms. Penny Tan.  Bags / belongings  Bathroom breaks  Cellular phones  Food and drinks  Note-taking  Questions  Respect  Seating arrangement.

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Presentation on theme: " By Ms. Penny Tan.  Bags / belongings  Bathroom breaks  Cellular phones  Food and drinks  Note-taking  Questions  Respect  Seating arrangement."— Presentation transcript:

1  By Ms. Penny Tan

2  Bags / belongings  Bathroom breaks  Cellular phones  Food and drinks  Note-taking  Questions  Respect  Seating arrangement

3  Attendance – be on time for class!  Working email account  3x5 index card with 1x1 ID picture  One student, one computer – NO SHARING  Yellow paper  all submissions and reports to be made in English  Full participation in all class activities  Timely submission of all requirements o Learning journal o Seatwork o Homework o Projects

4 Computer literacy course  Basic functions and uses of computer systems  Operating systems  Licensed vs. free (open source) software  Project management  Desktop publishing  Basic web development  Internet basics

5 WeekTopic 1Orientation Operating System File Management 2Project Management 3Basic video editing/production using Windows MovieMaker 4Desktop Publishing: Word Processing 5Desktop Publishing: Spreadsheets 6Desktop Publishing: Presentations 7MIDTERMS

6 WeekTopic 8Adobe Photoshop 9Basic HTML using Adobe Dreamweaver 10HTML continued 11Internet Basics: WWW and Social Networking 12Internet Basics: Intellectual Property Rights 13Early submission and presentation of projects 14FINALS

7 Project% Product commercial10% Project brief10% Marketing kit10% Corporate website10% Individual website (individual project)5% Audio visual presentation10% TOTAL55%

8 Project% Attendance5% Learning journals / Synthesis paper10% Seatwork10% Quizzes10% Homework10% Midterm and final exam55% TOTAL100%

9  Class time: 3 hours a week  Trimester: 42 hours  Late: <= 1/3 of class time o 1.5 hour class = within first 30 minutes of class o 3 hour class = within one hour of class  Absent: o > 1/3 of class time Attendance

10 1.5 hour class = exceeding first 30 minutes of class 3 hour class = exceeding first hour of class o 2 late attendances = 1 absence o Non-attendance of class for a specific day  Failed: 2.5 absences  Make Up class o At least 50% of the class will sign an official request o Official business, make up for holiday, or teacher’s absence Attendance

11  Guided “reflection” of the lesson/s of the day  Submission: http://moodle1.dls- within 24 hours from class time. No submissions will be accepted after 24 hours have elapsed.http://moodle1.dls- Learning Journals

12  Direct application of the lecture  To be accomplished DURING class and submitted before class ends, unless it is later assigned as homework.  Examples: o Hands-on activity o Research o Activity critique Seatwork

13  ONLINE  Time sensitive. If you are unable to take / complete the test before it expires you get a zero for that quiz.  Quizzes will be conducted at the start of the next class day. Quizzes

14  Research  Unfinished seatwork  Printed activities Homework

15  Minimum of 45 seconds and maximum of 75 seconds ONLY  No clips will be provided  Students will shoot their own footage  No clips taken from websites  Students (group members) should appear and be present in the video clips Project: Product Commercial

16  Defines the project and explains what the project needs to achieve  A template will be provided to guide you in this project Project: Project Brief

17  Logo  Business card  Letterhead  3 different posters of the same ad (psd and jpg files only) o Own design and photography o No images from the net o Students need to be present in the 3 poster designs either together or singly Project: Marketing Kit

18 Project: Corporate website

19 Project: Individual website

20  Culmination to the initial 3 projects utilizing programs learned (Powerpoint, Excel, etc.)  The AVP should present the following: o Company background o Company product (creative selling) o Selling unique idea to a prospective client Students must be able to utilize and show effective project management and presenting with impact skills by adhering to strict timelines and schedule. Project: Audio Visual Presentation

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