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The Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite reductase Nitrate reductase nitrogenase.

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1 The Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite reductase Nitrate reductase nitrogenase

2 Nitrogen Metabolism Many nitrogen containing compounds
eg. Amino acids, nucleotides, porphyrins, neurotransmitters There is no dedicated store for nitrogen or nitrogen compounds in humans

3 Nonprotein nitrogen derivatives
Diet protein Tissue protein Carbohydrate (glucose) transamination Nonprotein nitrogen derivatives Amino nitrogen in glutamate deamination NH3 Urea Acetyl-CoA Citric Acid Cycle CO2 Ketone bodies Amino acid pool Overview of the protein metabolism

ENVIRONMENT ORGANISM Bio- synthesis Protein Ingested protein 2 3 1 a AMINO ACIDS b c Degradation (required) c Purines Pyrimidines Porphyrins Nitrogen Carbon skeletons Urea (ketogenic) (glucogenic) pyruvate α-ketoglutarate succinyl-CoA fumarate oxaloacetate Used for energy acetoacetate acetyl CoA

5 Amino acids are the major source of dietary N


7 Nitrogen intake nitrogen excretion
Nitrogen Balance An individual’s nitrogen balance is dependent on a combination of: Nitrogen intake nitrogen excretion Dietary amino acids, nucleotides etc. Urine, faeces, hair and skin loss, perspiration Nitrogen balance status can be: 1) In balance 2) Positive 3) Negative

8 NITROGEN BALANCE Nitrogen balance = nitrogen ingested nitrogen excreted (primarily as protein) (primarily as urea) Nitrogen balance = 0 (nitrogen equilibrium) protein ingested = protein excretion Observed in adults Positive nitrogen balance protein ingested > protein excretion during pregnancy, infancy, childhood , body building and recovery from severe illness or surgery Negative nitrogen balance protein ingested < protein excretion starvation, following severe trauma, surgery or infections. Prolonged periods of negative balance are dangerous and fatal if the loss of body protein reaches about one-third of the total body protein

9 Excess or insufficient dietary amino acid intake leads to the catabolism of amino acids
Excess amino acids can be used for energy Insufficient dietary amino acids lead to the catabolism of proteins Insufficient dietary energy leads to the catabolism of proteins For amino acids to be utilised for energy, they must have their a-amino groups removed

10 Deamination of amino acids
Deamination generates: a carbon skeleton a free amino group can be used for anabolic or catabolic reactions generally excreted

11 Some amino acids can be directly deaminated
Serine, threonine and glutamate can be directly deaminated Glutamate deamination is catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)

12 Glutamine can be deaminated in a two step process
Glutamate is then deaminated by GDH glutamine + H2O glutamate + NH3

13 Glutamine can also be synthesised from glutamate
Glutamine synthesis is an energy requiring reaction The reaction is catalysed by glutamine synthetase (GS) glutamate + NH4+ + ATP glutamine + ADP + Pi GS


15 Transamination Those amino acids that can not be directly deaminated have their amino groups transferred to specific substrates These substrates are keto acids found in intermediary metabolism a - ketoglutarate oxaloaceatate pyruvate CAC

16 Addition of amino groups to these keto acids generates amino acids
a - ketoglutarate oxaloacetate pyruvate glutamate aspartate alanine Most amino acids are deaminated by donating their a-amino acids to one of these keto acids Thus the deamination of most amino acids leads to the production of either glu, asp, ala or gln.

17 An example transamination
glutamate a-KG a-amino acid a-keto acid glutamate aminotransferase

18 Pyridoxal phosphate Derived from vitamin B6
Takes part in all amino transferase reactions Forms a Schiff base intermediate with substrates


20 Role of transamination in metabolism
Transamination allows for: 1) the generation of amino acids in short supply 2) the provision of carbon skeletons for energy generation 3) the safe removal of excess amino groups

21 However when ammonia concentrations are high:
Free ammonia is a by-product of brain metabolism glutamate + NH4+ + ATP glutamine + ADP + Pi The neurotransmitter GABA is inactivated by deamination GS GDH a-ketoglutarate + NH4+ + NADPH glutamate + NADP+ + H2O However when ammonia concentrations are high: Brain requires large amounts of ATP This must be generated via oxidative phosphorylation Therefore the CAC must function efficiently GABA – Gamma Amino Butyric Acid


23 Free ammonia is also produced in muscle
Amino groups can be liberated: during normal muscle turnover during starvation during severe muscle activity ATP ADP + Pi 2ADP ATP + AMP AMP IMP + NH4+ AMP deaminase

24 alanine aminotransferase
Pyruvate is usually abundant in active muscle Muscle uses pyruvate as an acceptor keto acid glutamate + pyruvate a-ketoglutarate + alanine alanine aminotransferase Thus in muscle most amino groups are shuttled to alanine (via glutamate) Alanine is then exported to the liver where the amino groups can be liberated

25 AMP

B. Oxidative deamination C. purine nucleotide cycle

27 A. Transamination Transamination by Aminotransferase (transaminase)
always involve PLP coenzyme (pyridoxal phosphate) reaction goes via a Schiff’s base intermediate all transaminase reactions are reversible

28 Aminotransferases Aminotransferases can have specificity for the alpha-keto acid or the amino acid Aminotransferases exist for all amino acids except proline and lysine The most common compounds involved as a donor/acceptor pair in transamination reactions are glutamate and a-ketoglutarate, which participate in reactions with many different aminotransferases to an alpha-keto acid  alpha-amino acid

29 Transamination aminotransferases

30 Glu+pyruvate glutamate-pyruvate aminotransferase GPT, ALT -Ketoglutarate+Ala Glu+Oxaloacetate Glutamic oxaloacetictransaminase GOT, AST -Ketoglutarate+Asp *** ALT and AST are components of a "liver function test". Levels increase with damage to liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) or muscle (trauma)

31 The mechanism of transamination
+ PLP AA –H2O +H2O Schiff’s base

32 Schiff’s base isomer Molecule rearrange PMP –H2O +H2O -ketoacid +

33 Transamination Interconversion of amino acids Collection of N as glu
Provision of C-skeletons for catabolism

34 B. Oxidative Deamination
L-glutamate dehydrogenase (in mitochondria) Glu + NAD+ (or NADP+) + H2O  NH4+ + a-ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H +H+ Requires NAD+ or NADP + as a cofactor Plays a central role in AA metabolism ?

35 It is inhibited by GTP and ATP, and activated by GDP and ADP
urea cycle ? It is inhibited by GTP and ATP, and activated by GDP and ADP

36 Combined Deamination ?

37 Transamination + Oxidative Deamination
Combined deamination = Transamination + Oxidative Deamination The major pathway !!!

38 C. purine nucleotide cycle AMP
NH3 AA Asp IMP -Keto glutarate H2O aminotransferases AST C. purine nucleotide cycle AMP -Keto acid Oxaloacetate fumarate malate

39 The metabolism of α-ketoacid
Biosynthesis of nonessential amino acids TCA cycle member + amino acid α-keto acid + nonessential amino acid A source of energy (10%) ( CO2+H2O ) Glucogenesis and ketogenesis

40 SUMMARY Nitrogen balance status depends on the intake and use of N containing compounds Excess N from amino acids must be excreted A series of aminotransferase and deamination reactions shuttle nitrogen to appropriate molecules and tissues Brain and muscle can generate large amounts of excess nitrogen as part of their metabolism The liver is an important tissue for processing excess nitrogen

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