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Financial reporting Joint Technical Secretariat Beneficiary Seminar Seminar for Beneficiaries 20-21 February 2012 Narva, Estonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial reporting Joint Technical Secretariat Beneficiary Seminar Seminar for Beneficiaries 20-21 February 2012 Narva, Estonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial reporting Joint Technical Secretariat Beneficiary Seminar Seminar for Beneficiaries 20-21 February 2012 Narva, Estonia

2 Expenditure verification report Payment option 1 (grant < 300 000 EUR and implementation period < 18 month) EVR is needed only when submitting the final report NB! NB! Request of payment must be accompanied by the narrative and financial report and list of expenditures prepared by the Beneficiary (use JTS prepared template) Payment option 2 (grant > 300 000 EUR or implementation period > 18 month) EVR must be submitted with every request for payment and with the final report. 2

3 Financial reporting Grant Contract Special Conditions Art.7.3.3. “In case, where no expenditure verification report is required the Beneficiary has to provide a list of the financial and supporting documents covering the respective period and a printout of the project account showing project's income and expenditure and payments received in the period of the current Interim Report.” 3

4 Financial report Financial report is a part of Interim report template and includes: Sheet X “Expenditures” Sheet XI “Sources of funding” Sheet XII “Interest” Sheet XIII “Revenue” Form is pre-filled according to latest Full Application Form 4

5 Expenditures 5 Only “Real Spending “and “Expenditure forecast” sections must be filled in by Beneficiary

6 Sources of funding 6 Sources of funding ratio must be in line with Project Application Form and Grant Contract

7 Interest income 7 Bank interest from advance payments must be indicated separately from other project incomes and revenue

8 Revenue 8 Possible sources of revenue:  fee for participation in project’s events  fee for using equipment bought within the project  fee for using premises financed through Direct local costs etc.

9 Supporting documents EXPENDITURE VERIFICATION REPORT (model EVR - annex 3 to the annex VII to GC) OR Printout of the project account and list of the financial and supporting documents covering the respective period (please use template prepared for projects with payment option 1) 9

10 JTS contacts Thank You for Your attention! Email: Phone: +371 6750 9520 Address: Ausekla Str. 14-3, Riga 10

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