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CLIQ set up QXF Glyn Kirby CERN Dec 2014. Over view What exists What do you need What magnet testing is coming soon QXF circuits Hardware proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIQ set up QXF Glyn Kirby CERN Dec 2014. Over view What exists What do you need What magnet testing is coming soon QXF circuits Hardware proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIQ set up QXF Glyn Kirby CERN Dec 2014

2 Over view What exists What do you need What magnet testing is coming soon QXF circuits Hardware proposal

3 CERN units 28mf

4 Box upgrade in progress 28 mf Increased to 56 mf But still adjustable. 500V

5 CLIQ set up & PSU modification MT23 Boston G.A.Kirby CERN

6 Modifications & Testing

7 Ongoing CLIQ tests at CERN (Feb 2015) 15 m Dipole & 4m MQY quad.

8 MQY Quad


10 Analysis comments We Need to develop a full circuit analysis with multiple magnets, not just individual magnets. CLIQ pulse may pass through Amalia’s link, if so this needs testing.

11 Hardware proposal CERN has 2 suitable boxes for the first tests if newly prepared boxes are delayed. I am proposing that CERN delivers 6 boxes to the US. Labs. (to be agreed with CERN management). US labs should provide additional current leads ~ 10 mm 2, reverse current bypass for dump resistor and power supply, plus additional current measurement to help with analysis.

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