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Questions? Contact Kantar Media Healthcare Research (609) 987-5579 Website Usage Study Methodology (Available in MARS Medical when licensed)

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1 Questions? Contact Kantar Media Healthcare Research (609) 987-5579 Website Usage Study Methodology (Available in MARS Medical when licensed)

2 Website Audiences The first Kantar Media Healthcare Website Usage study was released in October 2012 among most of the Medical Surgical audiences. Since then we increased it to a semi-annual study. The initial study included only journal sites and some other websites that had previously been included in the Kantar NJM study. As the study evolved, more sites have been added based on client recommendations and market needs. Association websites were added in 2013. Today Kantar studies over 300 websites across physician and other HCP specialties.

3 Website Audiences Markets we currently cover are: 24 Medical Surgical specialties Dental Hospital Management NPPA Pain Medicine Pharmacy Radiology

4 Website Methodology The objective of the study is to measure what doctors and other HCPs believe they do online. It is specialty-specific and not intended to measure total site traffic but rather be another tool that helps provide a broad picture of the online marketplace. It provides a third-party look at who’s using the Internet… by specialties measured….that can be paired with website traffic data to help in evaluating websites.

5 Website Methodology We suggest using any Website Usage data in conjunction with other available data resources for a broad picture of the online marketplace, and encourage use of publisher’s own local analytics for the most complete and accurate data on individual sites.

6 Website Methodology Metrics include: Visitation of websites within the past 6 months Average frequency visiting websites and average time spent per session Total time spent on each website per month Seven qualitative statements about each website Grand mean of qualitative statement ratings

7 Metric Terminology Unique Monthly Visitors- A visitor accessing the website counted only once with in a monthly period (unduplicated). Mean Visits per Month- Average visits per month per visitor for a website. Mean Minutes Per Session- Average minutes on website per visit. Total Minutes Per Month- Aggregated minutes on a website for the target audience. Total Website Visitors- All visits (including repeat visits) on a website.

8 Data collection Note, the websites that are included in the studies for Website Usage must have at least 10% visitation among the audience measured. Data Collection- Data were gathered via an online survey. The sample received an initial email invitation to take this online survey. Then the email invite was then followed up with a reminder email about a week later. A monetary incentive was promised to be sent upon completion.

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