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REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD  Slovenian LPIS MAFF is official custodian of Farm registry with LPIS. Agricultural land.

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Presentation on theme: "REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD  Slovenian LPIS MAFF is official custodian of Farm registry with LPIS. Agricultural land."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD  Slovenian LPIS MAFF is official custodian of Farm registry with LPIS. Agricultural land of the holding is registered by reference parcel= Farmer‘s BLOCK (within BLOCKs are GERKs with LU information and with all the data about vineyards, olive groves, orchards, hop fields) LPIS is graphical and attribute part of Farm registry, which is conducted on 58 Administrative units and centrally managed by MAFF. Contact: Person responsible: Alenka Rotter Agriculture Directorate / Farm Register Service Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dunajska cesta 22 SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: +386 (0)1 478 9039 F: +386 (0)1 478 9133 E: W: Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015

2 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD SI LPIS Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015 SI recently changed the definition of a reference parcel from farmer‘s block (GERK) divided by land use, into „real“ farmer‘s block= outside perimeter of all adjoining GERKs by one farmer.

3 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD Regular update Regular 3- year LPIS update cycle using LU/LC Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015 Regular 3- year update cycle of land use/cover Regular 3- year orthophoto cycle + updates from the farmes (cca. 25.000 each year) + updates from OTSC

4 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD LPIS contains information about land use Geospatial information about polygon + area, perimeter, sea level, inclination,… Land use codes  Type of crops in LPIS in details only for permanent plantations Pro-rata calculation of MEA (based on land use/cover) 1100 - arable land 1150 - field for breeding snails 1160 - hop field 1161 - hop field in crop rotation 1170 - strawberries on arable land 1180 - permanent crops on arable land 1181 - permanent crops on arable land, where production is not in the soil 1190 - greenhouse, 1191 - greenhouse, where production is not in the soil 1192 - greenhouse with fruit plants 1211 - vineyard 1212 - nurseries 1221 - intensive orchard 1222 - extensive orchard 1230 - olive grove 1240 - other permanent crops 1300 - permanent pasture 1320 - grassland with scattered ineligible features 1420 - forest plantation 1610 - agricultural land in preparation Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015

5 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD In SI- only 3 EFA: falow land, catch crops, nitrogen crops EFA Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015 Hedgerows (more than 2m width), riparian overgrowth, groups of trees, overgrown agriculture land and forest are acquired under official Land Use layer (multipurpose data: control of LPIS, cadastral info of LU, statistics, etc.) Complete territory of SI is covered with LU and can be used for LULUCF report (already used within GHG reporting for forestry).

6 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD Free access to data LPIS From 2006 Personal data within LPIS and all other data only available for SI institutions (& EU) Land Use layer First version for 2002 time series since 1986 (milestone for SI) is missing Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015 Data view available at public access web viewer* (no personal data) Data for download updated monthly* (on request for specific date) WMS available (access on request) Time series of LU (2002, 2005, 2009, 2012) available* *web portal:

7 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD 5 partners in project: Slovenian Forestry Institute ( already involved in forestry GHG reporting) Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Automatic Measuring Systems for the Environment Ltd. MAFF University of Ljubljana/Biotechnical Faculty/ Agronomy department Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015 SI is applying for LIFE founds - project title: LIFE Innovative Carbon Stock Monitoring and Accounting in the land-use sector LULUCF

8 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD Main goals of the project Overview of existing data, methodologies, inventory systems and best practices in Slovenia and the EU Alignment of definitions Methodology for monitoring and accounting (there is currently no metodology for Agriculture in SI, only for Forestry) To develop and establish a unified and reliable information system (IS) for data collection and calculation and reporting of GHG emissions in the LULUCF sector National legislation national reports on GHG emissions for the UNFCCC and EU Alenka Rotter, Kick-off meeting LULUCF Accounting, Ispra, 22.9.2015

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