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Presentation Techniques Communication. Communication ~ Part 1 High performers = strong communication competencies (they can “do” the E.I.) Definition.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Techniques Communication. Communication ~ Part 1 High performers = strong communication competencies (they can “do” the E.I.) Definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Techniques Communication

2 Communication ~ Part 1 High performers = strong communication competencies (they can “do” the E.I.) Definition – knowledge & ideas are actively shared through two way communication

3 Self-Awareness Emotional Self-Awareness Accurate Self-Assessment Self Confidence Social Awareness Empathy Organizational Awareness Service Orientation Self-Management Emotional Self-Control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Optimism Achievement Orientation Initiative Relationship Management Developing Others Inspirational Leadership Influence Communication ** Change Catalyst Conflict Management Building Bonds Teamwork and Collaboration

4 Behaviors are… Listens to others with full attention - clarifies information Distills ideas into focused messages that inspire support and action from others Facilitates open exchange of ideas –fosters atmosphere of open communication

5 What Makes the Difference? Creativity Credibility Communication Collaboration

6 What Makes the Difference? Creativity Preparation Know your audience Presentation design Presentation tools and techniques Variety of activities Using questions

7 Creativity Assemble equipment and materials Get to room early Set up chairs and tables as you want them Load check media and equipment Preparation

8 Creativity What do you want student participants (your audience) to know? What do you want them to be able to do? Know your objective

9 Creativity Chunking information Choosing what’s most important Considering learning styles –Determining best way for people to understand information –Determining best way to deliver information Presentation Design

10 Creativity Stand-up delivery Flip charts Surveys Demonstration PowerPoint Video Documentation Presentation tools and techniques

11 Creativity Individual reflection Group activities Practice Dyads Hands-on materials Discussion Feedback Quizzes Variety of activities

12 Creativity Engages participants Prepares for information delivery Builds rapport Allows participants to share own knowledge and experience Using questions

13 What Makes the Difference? Credibility Confidence Agenda Consistent, clean graphic design Ready examples Testing

14 Credibility Appearance Posture Body language Eye contact Movement Presence with group Identifying with participants Confidence

15 Credibility Put it on a flip chart Don’t include times Have visible at all times Agenda

16 Credibility White space Color Few bullets Phrases Mix of words and images All modules similarly designed Consistent, clean graphic design

17 Credibility Talk about your experience Tell stories Invite participants to share theirs Ready examples

18 What Makes the Difference? Communication Welcoming Affirming Sensitive Give up perfection

19 Communication Smile Introduce yourself Look people in the eye Ask for their ideas Thanks them for questions Affirm their responses Welcoming

20 Communication Thank participants for questions Support their responses Paraphrase Ask clarifying questions Reflect answers Create linkages Affirming

21 Communication Use words everyone understands Define acronyms Avoid slang Use examples that support diversity Encourage rather than sabotage Sensitive

22 Communication Casual speaking style Prepare, then let go Be knowledgeable, but invite other perspectives Tell people when you don’t know an answer—and get back to them Give up perfection

23 What Makes the Difference? Collaboration Learning together Asking questions Team activities Giving and getting feedback

24 Collaboration Presenting is skill is not a brain dump Death by PowerPoint Designing interactivity Learning together

25 Collaboration Invites thoughtful consideration –Open-ended Gives students time to talk Says, “You’re important!” Asking questions

26 Collaboration Dyads Triads with observers (role plays) Small group discussion and report-back Large group simulations and practice Debriefing Team activities

27 Collaboration Builds connection Creates opportunity for learning Can encourage rather than discourage Can open rather than close doors Giving and getting feedback

28 Images Tell the Story Provide variation Minimize on-screen words Shift from abstract to concrete Appeal to visual learners

29 Images Tell the Story Illustrations—simplify concepts Wafer Film

30 Images Tell the Story Simple animations—easy to make

31 Images Tell the Story Sophisticated animations—simplify processes

32 Images Tell the Story Photos—present familiar tools and materials

33 Images Tell the Story Photos—show items too small to see easily

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