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Rhode Island’s Aging and Disability Resource Center: The Point Option’s Counseling Kristin Sousa Rhode Island Department of Elderly Affairs October 1,

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Presentation on theme: "Rhode Island’s Aging and Disability Resource Center: The Point Option’s Counseling Kristin Sousa Rhode Island Department of Elderly Affairs October 1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhode Island’s Aging and Disability Resource Center: The Point Option’s Counseling Kristin Sousa Rhode Island Department of Elderly Affairs October 1, 2008

2 The Point 2003 Grantee Statewide ADRC Decentralized Model Partnerships with United Way 2-1-1 and Ocean State for Independent Living (OSCIL) Collaboration with community agencies throughout RI

3 Significant Facts Call Volume has doubled each year since inception of the ADRC Recent State General Revenue has been awarded to Community Information Specialists across RI to provide ADRC services in cities and towns Community Partnerships have built a foundation of strong bridges in an effort to provide the best possible information and referral

4 Option’s Counseling, ………………...getting to The Point Option’s Counseling: A one-on-one session with a benefit professional who explains, reviews and assists an individual about the full range of option’s regarding long term supports available in RI. The benefit professional provides unbiased, in- depth information regarding services, supports, potential costs and locations for access in RI. The benefit professional provides counseling that is courteous, respectful of the individuals needs and circumstances and with the goal of both identifying and providing results that meet the individuals preferences whenever possible.

5 Key Strategies Utilization of the resources that have been the foundation of long term care in RI for years Recognition of the diversity of expertise within the network, no one single source of care Always remember that the individual is unique and presents with his or her own set of circumstances and needs, which are paramount Most cases presented are critical; long term care is not considered until the individual, family or caregiver is presented with a crisis

6 Key Strategies, cont’d Consistent and positive promotion of the ADRC in RI Media awareness and recognition Door-to-door outreach; flyers included in all home delivered meals provided through Meals on Wheels Outreach into the community; attendance at community events, Senior Expo, TechAccess and Governor’s Bay Day Truly no wrong door approach; utilization of all partners and community resources available

7 Key Strategies, cont’d Close attention to what the individual’s inquiry is and what is “not” being said Getting to the root of all concerns with active listening (listening for dementia; national recognition by Alzheimer’s Association) There is no time limit on counseling provided, multiple calls, inquiries and information gathering is done until all options are explored. The individual must be satisfied that the need presented has been met and that all questions (including the questions that went un-asked) have been addressed Continuous, current and relevant intensive training

8 Implementation Options counseling occurs daily at The Point The Point can receive an inquiry via phone, walk-in, by appointment or by web –These inquires can require something as simple as a phone number or as complex as helping an individual, their family member or caregiver find appropriate care (housing, in- home services, respite or nursing care)

9 Implementation, cont’d Options counseling provides individuals with the information and tools to make informed decisions regarding; –Who provides the care requested –When the care will be provided –How much help the individual needs –Make certain responsibility and decisions are put in the individual, family member or caregivers hands to ensure individual choice, flexibility and control

10 Challenges & Expansion Enhancement of data collection process Growth of reporting tool to provide more in-depth detail on individual cases in an effort to provide information that will aid The Point in enhancing and improving options counseling

11 Information RI’s Aging and Disability Resource Center The Point Rhode Island’s Resource Place for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities 401-462-4444

12 Thank you

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