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Project X Sergei Nagaitsev FNAL March 7, 2012. Project X collaboration Multi-institutional collaboration to execute the RD&D Program. –Organized as a.

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1 Project X Sergei Nagaitsev FNAL March 7, 2012

2 Project X collaboration Multi-institutional collaboration to execute the RD&D Program. –Organized as a “national project with international participation” Fermilab as lead laboratory International participation established via bi-lateral MOUs. Collaboration MOUs for the RD&D phase outline basic goals, and the means of organizing and executing the work. Signatories: ANLORNL/SNSBARC/Mumbai BNLPNNLIUAC/Delhi CornellSLAC RRCAT/Indore FermilabTJNAF VECC/Kolkata LBNLILC/ART MSU Contacts with: ESS (MOU), CERN/SPL, China/ADS, UK (MOU), Korea S. NagaitsevPage 2

3 Project X Team (at Fermilab) Steve Holmes – Project Manager Sergei Nagaitsev – Project Scientist/Accelerators Bob Tschirhart – Project Scientist/Experimental Program Jim Kerby – Project Engineer Shekhar Mishra – International Coordinator S. NagaitsevPage 3

4 Mission A neutrino beam for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments –2 MW proton source at 60-120 GeV Low energy, MW-class proton beams for kaon, muon, and neutrino based precision experiments –Operations simultaneous with the long baseline neutrino program A path toward a muon source for possible future Neutrino Factory and/or a Muon Collider –~4 MW at ~5-15 GeV; low duty factor Possible missions beyond EPP –Standard Model Tests with nuclei and energy applications S. NagaitsevPage 4

5 Reference Design S. NagaitsevPage 5 3 MW @ 3 GeV 200 kW @ 8 GeV 2 MW @ 120 GeV 1 GeV 5% duty cycle

6 Reference Design Scope 3 GeV CW superconducting H- linac with 1 mA average beam current. –Flexible provision for variable beam structures to multiple users CW at time scales >1  sec, 20% DF at <1  sec –Supports rare processes programs at 3 GeV –Provision for 1 GeV extraction for edms and nuclear energy programs 3-8 GeV pulsed linac capable of delivering 300 kW at 8 GeV –Supports the neutrino program –Establishes a path toward a muon based facility Upgrades to the Recycler and Main Injector to provide ≥ 2 MW to the neutrino production target at 60-120 GeV.  Utilization of a CW linac creates a facility that is unique in the world, with performance that cannot be matched in a synchrotron-based facility. S. Nagaitsev6

7 Performance Goals S. Nagaitsev Linac Particle TypeH - Beam Kinetic Energy3.0GeV Average Beam Current1mA Linac pulse rateCW Beam Power3000kW Beam Power to 3 GeV program2870kW Pulsed Linac Particle TypeH - Beam Kinetic Energy8.0GeV Pulse rate10Hz Pulse Width4.3msec Cycles to MI6 Particles per cycle to MI2.6  10 13 Beam Power to 8 GeV340kW Main Injector/Recycler Beam Kinetic Energy (maximum)120GeV Cycle time1.4sec Particles per cycle1.6  10 14 Beam Power at 120 GeV2200kW Page 7 simultaneous

8 Provisional Siting S. Nagaitsev8 CW Linac 8 GeV Linac 3 GeV Experimental Area

9 S. NagaitsevPage 9 Linac beam current: 1 mA averaged over ~us Linac beam current has a periodic time structure (at 10 Hz) with two major components.

10 S. NagaitsevPage 10 Chopping for injection RF frequency at injection into the Recycler : ~ 53 MHz Chopper needs to provide a kicker gap ( ~ 200 ns per 11 µs ) and needs to remove bunches that fall into “wrong” phase of ring rf voltage. Recycler RF 162.5 MHz bunches to be removed

11 S. NagaitsevPage 11 Chopping for injection Kicker gap requires chopping out ~ 6% of beam Chopping for longitud. painting: ~ 33% Thus, the minimum ion source current for injection is 1.65 mA

12 S. NagaitsevPage 12 Chopping and splitting for 3-GeV experiments 1  sec period at 3 GeV Muon pulses (16e7) 81.25 MHz, 100 nsec at 1 MHz700 kW Kaon pulses (16e7) 20.3 MHz1540 kW Nuclear pulses (16e7) 10.15 MHz770 kW Separation scheme Ion source and RFQ operate at 4.2 mA ~75% of bunches are chopped at 2.5 MeV after RFQ Transverse rf splitter

13 S. NagaitsevPage 13 Beam after splitter 10 MHz bunches 20 MHz bunches 1 MHz pulses

14 SRF Linac Technology Map S. Nagaitsev SectionFreqEnergy (MeV)Cav/mag/CMType HWR (  G =0.1) 162.52.1-108/8/1HWR, solenoid SSR1 (  G =0.22) 32510-4216/8/ 2SSR, solenoid SSR2 (  G =0.47) 32542-16036/20/4SSR, solenoid LB 650 (  G =0.61) 650160-46042 /14/75-cell elliptical, doublet HB 650 (  G =0.9) 650460-3000152/19/195-cell elliptical, doublet ILC 1.3 (  G =1.0) 13003000-8000224 /28 /289-cell elliptical, quad Page 14  =0.11  =0.22  =0.4  =0.61  =0.9 325 MHz 10-160 MeV  =1.0 1.3 GHz 3-8 GeV 650 MHz 0.16-3 GeV CW Pulsed 162.5 MHz 2.1-10 MeV

15 SRF Development HWR (  G = 0.11, 162.5 MHz ) Half Wave Resonator –EM and mechanical design starting at ANL –Very similar to cavities/CM already manufactured by ANL –Optimize to achieve tight packing in PX front end SSR1 (  G = 0.22 ) Single Spoke Resonator –Started first  most advanced –Two prototypes fabricated by Zanon and Roark processed in collaboration with ANL & JLab tested at Fermilab (one fully dressed) –Two cavities in fabrication at IUAC-Delhi –Ten cavities in fabrication by Niowave-Roark SSR2(  G = 0.47 ) –EM design complete –Mechanical design in progress 15S. Nagaitsev

16 SSR1 Prototypes Exceeded Performance Specs S. Nagaitsev16 Two SSR1 spoke resonators performed well in vertical dewar tests at 2K; one of these was tested dressed at 4K. Bare cavity exceeded Project X specification; dressed cavity at 4K exceeded the HINS specification Bare cavity at 2 K Dressed cavity at 4K

17 Pulsed Linac The Reference Design utilizes a superconducting pulsed linac for acceleration from 3 to 8 GeV ILC style cavities and cryomodules –1.3 GHZ,  =1.0 –28 cryomodules (@ 25 MV/m) ILC style rf system –Up to two cryomodules per Klystron Must deliver 26 mA-msec to the Recycler every 0.75 sec. Options: –1 mA x 4.4 msec pulses at 10 Hz Six pulses required to load Recycler/Main Injector –1 mA x 26 msec pulses at 10 Hz One pulse required to load Main Injector S. Nagaitsev17

18 R&D Program Goal is to mitigate risk: technical, cost, and schedule Primary elements of the R&D program: –Development of front end including wide-band chopper –Development of an H- injection system –Superconducting rf development Cavities, cryomodules, rf sources – CW to long-pulse Development of partners and vendors –High Power targetry, including ISOL targets –Integrated facility design Physics performance requirements reliability analysis –Upgrade paths: MC and Muons@PX Task Forces –Test Facilities Goal is to complete R&D phase by 2016 S. NagaitsevPage 18

19 Test Facilities New Muon Lab (NML) facility under construction for ILC RF unit test –Three CM’s driven from a single rf source –9 mA x 1 msec beam pulse –Building extension for additional CM’s and beam diagnostic area Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF) –Large extension and supporting infrastructure under construction Refrigerator to support full duty factor operations Horizontal test stands for all frequencies Vertical and Horizontal Test Stands at 325, 650, 1300 MHz S. NagaitsevPage 19

20 ILCTA_NML Facility S. Nagaitsev20

21 Project X Injector Experiment (PXIE) Proposing integrated systems testing of components within the first ~15- 30 MeV of Project X. –Validate concept for the Project X front end, thereby mitigating the primary technical risk within the Reference Design –Operate components, both individually and collectively, at full design parameters Integrated systems test goals: –1 mA average current with 80% chopping of beam delivered from RFQ –Efficient acceleration with minimal emittance dilution through ~15-30 MeV  Currently in design stage; goal is beam in 2016-17 S. NagaitsevPage 21 Beam Dump Ion Source LEBTRFQMEBTHWRSSR1 Diagnostics ~40 m

22 Project X Injector Experiment: PXIE CW H- source delivering 5 mA at 30 keV LEBT with beam pre-chopping CW RFQ operating at 162.5 MHz and delivering 5 mA at 2.1 MeV MEBT with integrated wide-band chopper and beam absorbers capable of generating arbitrary bunch patterns at 162.5 MHz, and disposing of 4 mA average beam current Low beta superconducting cryomodules: 1 mA to 30 MeV Beam dump capable of accommodating 1.6 mA at 30 MeV (50 kW) for extended periods. Associated beam diagnostics, utilities and shielding S. NagaitsevPage 22 RFQ MEBT HWR SSR1 Dump LEBT LBNL FNAL, SLAC ANL FNAL

23 Possible Timeline We are currently being well supported for R&D on Project X and associated srf development We believe Project X could be constructed over –5 year period if paced by technical requirements; –More like 6-8 year period if paced by budgetary realities We are working toward completing the R&D phase by 2016 Planning Timeline (not agreed to by DOE) CD-0, Approve Mission NeedFY 2012 CD-1, Approve Alternative Selection FY 2013 and Cost Range CD-2, Approve Performance BaselineFY 2014 CD-3, Approve Start of ConstructionFY 2016 CD-4, Approve Project CompletionFY 2021 S. Nagaitsev 23

24 Staging Options We have been asked by DOE to identify options for construction of Project X in stages: –Significant physics opportunities at each stage –Cost of each stage substantially <$1B –Achieve full Reference Design capabilities (including upgradability) at end of final stage –Fit within a OHEP funding profile devoting <$200M/year to construction projects S. NagaitsevPage 24

25 Power Profile for the Research Program S. NagaitsevPage 25 Program: Stage-0: Proton Improvement Plan Stage-1: 1 GeV CW Linac driving Booster & Muon Campus Stage-2: Upgrade to 3 GeV CW Linac Stage-3: Project X RDR Stage-4: Beyond RDR: 8 GeV power upgrade to 4MW MI neutrinos 490-700 kW700-1200 kW 1900-2300 kW 8 GeV Neutrinos 10 kW 85 kW3000 kW 8 GeV Muon program e.g, (g-2), Mu2e-1 15 kW 85 kW 1000 kW 1-3 GeV Muon program 50 kW1000 kW Kaon Program 50 kW (30% df from MI) 75 kW (MI) 1100 kW Nuclear edm ISOL program none300 kW Ultra-cold neutron program none 300 kW Nuclear technology applications none300 kW # Programs: 4 8 8 8 8 Total power (mean): 625 kW 2000 kW 3975 kW 5290 kW 9100 kW

26 Joint PX/NF/MC Strategy Project X shares many features with the proton driver required for a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider –NF and MC require ~4 MW @ 10  5 GeV –Primary issues are related to beam “format” NF wants proton beam on target consolidated in a few bunches; Muon Collider requires single bunch –Project X linac is not capable of delivering this format  It is inevitable that a new ring(s) will be required to produce the correct beam format for targeting. S. NagaitsevPage 26

27 Summary The Project X Reference Design represents a very powerful facility enabling long term U.S. leadership on the Intensity Frontier –World leading programs in neutrinos and rare processes –Aligned with ILC and Muon Accelerators technology development; –Potential applications beyond elementary particle physics The design concept provides a broad range of physics capabilities –2 MW to the neutrino program over 60-120 GeV –3 MW to the rare processes program –Flexible provision for variable beam formats to multiple users CW linac is unique for this application, and offers capabilities that would be hard/impossible to duplicate in a synchrotron R&D program underway with very significant investment in srf infrastructure and development Project X could be constructed over the period ~2016 – 2020 –Will be constructed as a national project with international participation –Staging opportunities exist S. NagaitsevPage 27

28 Backup Slides S. NagaitsevPage 28

29 SRF Development 325 MHz SSR1 (  =0.22) cavity under development –Two prototypes assembled and tested –Both meet Project X specification at 2 K Preliminary designs for SSR0 and SSR2 S. NagaitsevPage 29

30 Functional Requirements RequirementDescriptionValue L1Delivered Beam Energy, maximum3 GeV (kinetic) L2Delivered Beam Power at 3 GeV3 MW L3 Average Beam Current (averaged over >1  sec) 1 mA L4 Maximum Beam Current (sustained for <1  sec) 5 mA L5The 3 GeV linac must be capable of delivering correctly formatted beam to a pulsed linac, for acceleration to 8 GeV L6Charge delivered to pulsed linac26 mA-msec in < 0.75 sec L7Maximum Bunch Intensity1.9 x 10 8 L8Minimum Bunch Spacing6.2 nsec (1/162.5 MHz) L9Bunch Length<50 psec (full-width half max) L10Bunch PatternProgrammable L11 RF Duty Factor100% (CW) L12RF Frequency162.5 MHz and harmonics thereof L133 GeV Beam SplitThree-way P1Maximum Beam Energy8 GeV P2 The 3-8 GeV pulsed linac must be capable of delivering correctly formatted beam for injection into the Recycler Ring (or Main Injector). P3Charge to fill Main Injector/cycle26 mA-msec in <0.75 sec P4Maximum beam power delivered to 8 GeV300 kW P5Duty Factor (initial)< 4% S. Nagaitsev30

31 Functional Requirements RequirementDescriptionValue M1Delivered Beam Energy, maximum120 GeV M2Delivered Beam Energy, minimum60 GeV M3Minimum Injection Energy6 GeV M4Beam Power (60-120 GeV)> 2 MW M5Beam ParticlesProtons M6Beam Intensity1.6 x 10 14 protons per pulse M7Beam Pulse Length ~10  sec M8Bunches per Pulse~550 M9Bunch Spacing18.8 nsec (1/53.1 MHz) M10Bunch Length<2 nsec (fullwidth half max) M11Pulse Repetition Rate (120 GeV)1.2 sec M12Pulse Repetition Rate (60 GeV)0.75 sec M13Max Momentum Spread at extraction2 x 10 -3 I1The 3 GeV and neutrino programs must operate simultaneously I2 Residual Activation from Uncontrolled Beam Loss in areas requiring hands on maintenance. <20 mrem/hour (average) <100 mrem/hour (peak) @ 1 ft I3Scheduled Maintenance Weeks/Year8 I43 GeV Linac Operational Reliability90% I560-120 GeV Operational Reliability85% I6Facility Lifetime40 years U1Provisions should be made to support an upgrade of the CW linac to support an average current of 4 mA. U2Provisions should be made to support an upgrade of the Main Injector to a delivered beam power of ~4 MW at 120 GeV. U3Provisions should be made to deliver CW proton beams as low as 1 GeV. U4Provision should be made to support an upgrade to the CW linac such that it can accelerate Protons. U5Provisions should be made to support an upgrade of the pulsed linac to support a duty factor or 10%. U6Provisions should be made to support an upgrade of the CW linac to a 3.1 nsec bunch spacing. S. Nagaitsev31

32 The Competition Pulsed machines driving neutrino horns: SPS (0.5 MW), Main Injector ( 0.3 MW now, 0.7 MW for Nova), JPARC (0.2 MW now, plan for 1.7 MW) Cyclotrons and synchrotrons driving muon programs PSI (1.3 MW, 600 MeV), JPARC RCS (0.1-0.3 MW) Synchrotrons driving kaon physics programs. SPS (0.015 MW), JPARC (goal of >0.1 MW), Tevatron (0.1 MW) Linear machines driving nuclear and neutron programs: SNS, LANL, FRIB….not providing CW light-nuclei beams. S. NagaitsevPage 32 M Seidel, PSI Project-X

33 High Duty Factor Competition S. NagaitsevPage 33 x Duty Factor * * * PSI TRIUMF power Stopped/Slow kaon yield/Watt * Beam power x Duty Factor Project-X CW-Linac

34 SRF Development 650 MHz DimensionBeta=0.61Beta=0.9 Regular cellEnd cellRegular cellEnd cell r, mm41.5 50 R, mm195 200.3 L, mm70.371.4103.8107.0 A, mm54 82.5 B, mm58 8484.5 a, mm14 1820 b, mm25 3839.5 α,°22.75.27 S. NagaitsevPage 34 Initial design concepts completed –Single cell models on order

35 Expansion of NML Facility S. Nagaitsev35 Existing NML Building New Cryoplant & CM Test Facility (300 W Cryogenic Plant, Cryomodule Test Stands, 10 MW RF Test Area) New Underground Tunnel Expansion (Space for 6 Cryomodules (2 RF Units), AARD Test Beam Lines) Funded by ARRA

36 Future NML Complex S. Nagaitsev36

37 R&D Program H- Injection RDR Configuration –Inject and accumulate into the Recycler with single turn transfer to MI –Injection charge 26 mA-ms (1 mA – 4.3 ms – 6 injections and 10 Hz) Optional Configuration of interest –Inject 1 mA directly into the Main Injector in a single pulse over 26 ms, bypassing the Recycler Reduced complexity Reduced linac energy, from 8 to 6 GeV Default technology Carbon Foil Charge Exchange (stationary foil) –Low beam current/long injections time creates many “parasitic” interactions, and dominate the foil issues: Foil heating, beam loss, emittance growth. (c.f. 1 mA  2300 turns) –The number of parasitic hits is determined by injection insertion design, number of injection turns (linac intensity and injection time), linac and ring emittance, painting algorithm, foil size and orientation. –Issues appear manageable up to about 4.3 msec (400 turns). S. NagaitsevPage 37

38 R&D Program H- Injection Injection Stripping technologies (2300 turns) –Unique foil implementation designs-> moving, rotating, segmented –Laser Assisted Stripping (3 Step process) Laser Power Estimates Implementation Options –Direct illumination (advances in cryogenic laser amplifiers) –Build up cavity (low power laser but requires cavity in high radiation area) –Use higher wavelength (i.e. 2 mm) to reduce laser power by factor of 4 or 5 S. NagaitsevPage 38 Laser parametersSNSPrj X Wavelength [nm]3551064 Pulse length [ps]3028 Pulse freq. [Mhz]400325 Pulse duration [ms]11 to 30 Rep rate [Hz]6010 to 1 Peak Power [MW]0.395 to 10 Pulse Energy [mJ]0.030.4 – 0.7 Power @pulse freq [kW] 12130 - 230 Estimates by T. Gorlov, SNS

39 Phase-1 Layout of NML S. Nagaitsev39 Cryomodule-1 (CM1) (Type III+) Capture Cavity 2 (CC2) CC2 RF System 5 MW RF System for CM1

40 RF Unit Test Facility at NML Status: conditioning couplers for CM1, cool down in Sept Page 40S. Nagaitsev

41 FNAL Cryomodules Cryomodule 1 built from DESY kit, Installed in NML 3.9 GHz Cryomodule Designed/built at FNAL for DESY Installed and Operating in FLASH Cryomodule 2: cold mass parts from Europe in hand, accumulating the required 8 HTS tested cavities Page 41S. Nagaitsev

42 Ion Source The Linac beam starts from an H- ion source operating at a constant current, set for a given timeline: –If MI/Recycler is running, the minimum ion source current is 1.7 mA –If MI/Recycler is NOT running, the minimum ion source current is 1 mA –The nominal ion source beam current used in Linac design is 5 mA –The ion source is capable of 15 mA, RFQ and MEBT are designed to 10 mA S. NagaitsevPage 42 Regardless of the ion source current, the average linac beam current is 1 mA this is achieved by a LEBT and MEBT choppers

43 LEBT Provides 30-keV beam transport from the Ion Source to the RFQ –chopper –diagnostics S. NagaitsevPage 43

44 RFQ S. NagaitsevPage 44 Ion type: H- Beam current: 5 mA (nominal); 1 – 10 mA Transverse emittance (norm, rms): < 0.25 mm-mrad Longitudinal emittance (rms): 0.8 – 1.0 keV-nsec Input energy: 30 keV Output energy (kinetic): 2.1 MeV Duty factor: 100% (CW) Frequency: 162.5 MHz Length: ~4.4 m

45 MEBT S. Nagaitsev45 Functions of MEBT 1.Form the bunch structure required for CW Linac 2.Match optical functions between RFQ and SRF 3.Include tools to measure the properties of the beam coming out of RFQ and sent to SRF 4.Machine protection

46 MEBT optics S. Nagaitsev46 RF Scraper Instrum Kicker RF Instrum Kicker Absorber Diff pump Instrum RF Transverse focusing: triplets Longitudinal focusing: RT QWR 162.5 buncher cavities

47 Chopper R&D Kicker –Two versions are being pursued: 50 and 200 Ohm –Each version must fit into a 65-cm drift: 2 pairs 25-cm long, 16 mm gap Kicker driver –Broad-band, 500 V, ~2 ns rise/fall time, 30 MHz average pulse rate –AC-coupled rf amplifier (50-Ohm) or DC-coupled pulser (200-Ohm) Beam absorber –20 kW max. dissipated beam power –Issues: high power density, sputtering, high gas load S. NagaitsevPage 47

48 Kicker R&D S. NagaitsevPage 48 Ground plate 50 Ohm structure 200 Ohm helical structure

49 PXIE Beam envelopes S. NagaitsevPage 49 Transverse (X/Y) Longitudinal (phase @162.5 MHz) RFQ MEBT HWR SSR1 Current 5 mA@162.5 MHz; Energy: 2.1 MeV – 10.8 MeV – 22.1 MeV scscscscscscscscscscscscscscscsc c scc sccs cc sc

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