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To Kill a Mockingbird “In our courts all men are created equal…In the name of God do your duty.”

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird “In our courts all men are created equal…In the name of God do your duty.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird “In our courts all men are created equal…In the name of God do your duty.”

2 1. Explain the connection between the title of the film and its plot. Is the title a good one? Explain.

3 2. or 3. Develop an essay The events depicted in the film ring true. Unfortunately, there are numerous examples of trials, especially in the South, that perpetrate great injustice. Why do citizens of a country founded on freedom and justice behave that way? Offer examples from the film that support your answer. Are the injustices portrayed in the film in our country’s past or does injustice like that continue?

4 3. “Stand up; your father’s passin’.” Does this line from the film hold the same drama today as it did in 1962? Explain. *These questions are due a week after finishing the film. Per. 4=5/15; Per. 5=5/18; Per. 2=5/18; Per. 3=5/18; Per. 8 = 5/19

5 Our “best” Mockingbirds Gather in a group of 4 or 5 or 6 We’re going to highlight the best writing and thinking from the class. Choose the “best” sentence from question #1 and type it on the appropriate slide. Then, choose the best sentence or 2 from the longer essay and type that on the appropriate slide.

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