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Susan Barrett, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Implementation Partner, Center on PBIS When to Kick it UP a Notch! Systems to.

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Presentation on theme: "Susan Barrett, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Implementation Partner, Center on PBIS When to Kick it UP a Notch! Systems to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Susan Barrett, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Implementation Partner, Center on PBIS When to Kick it UP a Notch! Systems to Support Advanced Tiers 5 Lessons Learned

2 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ALL SOME FEW

3 TIER II: Supplemental, Targeted 3 Tier II For approx. 20% of students Core + Supplemental …to achieve benchmarks Tier II Effective if at least 70-80% of students improve performance (i.e., gap is closing towards benchmark and/or progress monitoring standards). 1.Where are the students performing now? 2.Where do we want them to be? 3.How long do we have to get them there? 4.How much do they have to grow per year/monthly to get there? 5.What resources will move them at that rate? 3

4 Universal Targeted Intensive Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7, 2007 Science Soc Studies Reading Math Soc skills Basketball Spanish Label behavior…not people

5 All youth interspersed with all adults. All staff are supporting all youth. Groupings of youth that are being supported by 1-2 adults at a time Individual students that are receiving support from individualized teams of adults Students Staff PBIS STAFF TO STUDENT RATIO

6 Outcome : How is the practice linked to overall outcome outlined in your school improvement plan? Selection of Core curriculum Systems/Process : Teaming Structure – What are your current Service Delivery Teams (i.e. Leadership Team, Student Services Team, Problem Solving Team) What are roles and responsibilities of each team? Communication: How do your academic and behavior teams communicate with each other ? Provide summaries to entire staff? RFA process How do teachers and support staff access these supports? Request for Assistance? How long does it take to get supports in place? Coaching and Staff Support: What are the structures that support skill development for staff? Structures that support follow along activities? What are the structures that support fidelity, on going teacher support and performance feedback? (Coaching) Data: Decision Rules about how students get access? What tools to measure fidelity and progress monitoring tools used to measure effectiveness-How do you know the practice makes the impact? What are the Systems Features ?

7 Is My School Ready to Implement a Advanced Tiers? Use Readiness to determine if you have the necessary structure in place to move forward. School-wide system of behavior support in place (TFI 70% or higher, SET Score 80% or higher) Staff buy-in for implementation of the CICO Administrative support –Time & money allocated No major changes in school climate –e.g. teacher strikes, administrative turnover, major changes in funding CICO implementation a top priority

8 Moving beyond CICO Conversation Starters …around the following topics What do we have in place that is working? How do we know it works? What teams exist in our school across all tiers? Do our teams work effectively and efficiently as they could? Do they communicate with each other? Do your teams operate under school improvement? Do we have tools that let us know we are doing well and it is making an impact on student outcomes? Do we communicate with ALL students/staff/community about progress/brag about accomplishments/get feedback on improvement?

9 Readiness Are you willing? Administration and core group of staff who have: Willingness to study existing system, meeting structure and effectiveness of current programming Willingness to use progress monitoring tools to track fidelity of program and impact on student behavior/skill acquisition

10 For Administrators…set the stage for change What is the organizational health of your school? – Would you want to work there? – What kind of school do you want your school to be? Do you have flexibility to change forms/process/agenda? Other considerations as we talk today…. What are your school improvement goals? How will you know when your goals are met? (evidence-DATA!) What would you consider success for your school? Reflect on your relationship with your teaching staff? Can folks be honest about current status? Have you cultivated a professional learning community? Provide data to each other in a supportive way? How fast do teachers and students get access to support?

11 1. CICO serves as opportunity to install critical systems features required for advanced tiers Resource: CICO Training Lessons Learned

12 Parent feedback Regular teacher feedback Afternoon check-out Morning check-in home Student Recommended for CICO CICO is Implemented RFA ODR (SWPBS Team) Parent recommendation Administrator recommendation CICO Coordinator

13 Morning Check-in – Student comes to coordinator – Coordinator Reviews home note Gives point card Reviews expectations Sets positive tone Provides missing materials if needed Parent feedback Regular teacher feedback Afternoon check-out Morning check-in home  Teacher Feedback  Set schedule for feedback  Student gives card to teacher at start of class  End of class  Teacher provides points based on behavioral expectations  Provides verbal positive feedback  Afternoon check-out  Student comes to coordinator  Coordinator  Reviews point card  Provides feedback/acknowledgements  Prepares home report  Records points for day  Parent Feedback  Parent report goes home  Parents provide positive/ neutral feedback  Parents sign report card

14 Student Recommended for CICO CICO is Implemented CICO Coordinator summarizes data for decision making Exit program Bi-weekly coordination Meeting to assess student progress Parent feedback Regular teacher feedback Afternoon check-out Morning check-in Revise program RFA ODR (SWPBS Team) Parent recommendation Administrator recommendation CICO Coordinator home

15 CICO Record Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________ 2 = great 1 = OK 0= hard time SafeResponsibleRespectful Check In 2 1 0 Before Recess 2 1 0 Before Lunch 2 1 0 After Recess 2 1 0 Check Out 2 1 0 Today’s goalToday’s total points Comments: Daily Progress Report consistent with SW Expectations

16 Sample: Daily Progress Report for GROUP Intervention EXPECTATIONS 1 st block2 nd block3 rd block4 th block Be Safe Use your words Use deep breathing 2 1 T Be Respectful Keep arm’s distance Use #2 voice level when upset 2 1 T Be Responsible Ask for breaks Self-monitor with DPR 2 1 T 2 1 t Total Points Teacher Initials PBIS Illinois Network Adapted from Grant Middle School STAR CLUB Adapted from Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program by Crone, Horner, and Hawken

17 T = Try again 1 = Good 2 = Excellent! Be SafeBe RespectfulBe Responsible * Rip recycled paper * Only tap pencils (not pens) * Use “voice level #1” while teacher is speaking (whisper) * Say “I need help getting started” when having difficulty Class 0 1 2 Recess 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Lunch 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Total Points = _____ Points Possible = __36___Date: ________________ Today ______________% Sample: Daily Progress Report Behavior Intervention Plan


19 Check-in Check-out Embedded Within SWIS

20 Tier 2- Basic Using CICO as the “Organizer” Outcomes: Intervention Screening Tool Data Collection Teacher Support Formal Documentation

21 Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Check-in/ Check- out (CICO) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP Wraparound ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Illinois PBIS Network, Revised October 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004 Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Intervention Assessment

22 Tiered Fidelity Inventory includes classroom items Classroom rules/routines/arrangements anchored to SW expectations Clear delineation of office-managed versus classroom-managed problems – Flow Chart Clear process for documentation Training on effective teaching and behavior support strategies – Create climate, allow time for observation and feedback Resource: Classroom Modules, Implementation Snapshots, Teacher Action planner, classroom assessments 2. Classroom Systems Priority and developed alongside Tier 1 implementation

23 ClassroomHallwayCafeteria All School Settings Respectful  Leave space for others to pass  Use appropriate volume when talking in the hallways  Walk at all times  Keep to right on stairwells  Be considerate of café workers & others  Stay in your place in line and table  Pay for all food  Use appropriate language and voice  Keep hands and feet to self  Remain quiet and listen to presenter  Use appropriate personal space  Hats off in building during school  Use appropriate language and volume Responsible  Go directly to your next class  Store backpacks and electronic devices in your locker (from 7:30 – 2:45)  Keep materials off floor  Follow West Walk Guidelines  Enter your number only  Clean up your table  Push in chair  Stay in seat until bell  Leave food & beverages in café  Dismissal by bell  Stay Seated  Keep hands and feet to self  Follow adult directions  Enter and exit appropriately  Food and drink in cafeteria only  Dress appropriately at all times Ready  Carry supplies appropriately  Be aware of people around you  Leave books/binders/coats in locker  Go directly to café  Have money & number ready  Arrive on time and rested  Be ready to participate  Know and follow school expectations PBIS TEAM FACILITATE STAFF TO ALIGN CLASSROOM RULES WITH SCHOOL-WIDE EXPECTATIONS


25 Define and teach classroom routines How to enter class and begin to work How to predict the schedule for the day What to do if you do not have materials What to do if you need help What to do if you need to go to the bathroom What to do if you are handing in late material What to do if someone is bothering you. Signals for moving through different activities. – “Show me you are listening” How to determine if you are doing well in class Establish a signal for obtaining class attention Teach effective transitions. Procedures and Routines

26 Performance Feedback in the Classroom: Building Systems to Support Best Practices in the Classroom How will staff get skills? How will staff get feedback ? Develop Training Calendar of PD-orientation, annual staff development days, staff meetings Develop Access for Teacher Support- Request for Assistance Communication to Staff Support “Team” Can District/Admin deliver Time and Resources?

27 Develop system to present best practice and encourage teacher engagement and implementation – Weekly skill and/or feature mini-lessons – Time for grade level collaboration related to the lesson – Time and resources for after school work sessions (voluntary) – Created timelines for implementation of each feature – Periodic self-assessment for progress monitoring and fidelity check (Buddy system and ecove) – Planned booster session University of Missouri Lori Newcomer, Ph.D.

28 Cool Tools for Teachers 10 minute mini modules for: Specific Praise Statements/Action Plan Wait Time Opportunities to Respond Pre-correction Active Supervision Responding to Inappropriate behavior



31 – Allow teams to examine academic and behavior data in central data base – demonstrates impact of preventative intervention support on reducing problem behavior and increased instructional time – early identification of students requiring additional support (McIntosh) – academic skill level as a risk factor for problem behavior (McIntosh) – Resource: High School Center/Early Warning Systems 3. Data and Screening used across school levels used to

32 Early Warning Indicators Course Performance in Core Subjects GPA CreditsSOLAttendance Office Discipline Referrals Additional Factors On-Track Indicators On-Track Meeting all graduation requirements Cs or better in all areas 2.5 or moreMeeting credit graduation requirement for grad plan year Level 3 or Above or concordant scores within the same school year 4% or less absences per quarter or semester 3 or less Level I and/or minor referrals Disengagement No extra curricular involvement Substance Abuse High Mobility Mental health issues Free/Reduced lunch Foster/group home Transient/Homeles s Parent unemployment Student employment Changes in behavior/ appearance More recent traumatic event Missed guidance appointments No show for yearbook picture At-Risk for Off Track Lacking 1 graduation requirement 2.0 to 2.49Behind 1 Credits Level 2 on FCAT 5% or more absences per quarter or semester 4 or less Level I and/or minor referrals Level II ODRs per semester Off-Track Lacking 2 graduation requirements Failing 1-3 classes Less than 2.0Behind 3 creditsNot passed both sections of 10 th grade FCAT or retakes No concordant scores 10% absences per quarter or semester 5 or more Level I and/or Level II ODRs per semester Highly Off- Track Lacking 2 or more graduation requirements Currently failing 3 or more classes Less than or equal to 1.5 Behind 4 or more credits Not passed 10 th grade FCAT or retakes No concordant scores 15% or more absences per quarter or semester 5 or more Level II ODRs for fighting/ profanity/ disruption per semester Extremely Off-Track Meeting no graduation requirements 2-3 Years Behind Less than or equal to 1.0 Not meeting cohort graduation plan Not passed 10 th grade FCAT or retakes No concordant scores 20% or more absences per quarter or semester Established pattern of severe behavior Level II & III ODRs



35 Is it a student issue? OR A system(s) issue?

36 Different Types of Data throughout the Tiers Tier 1 – Student Outcome data (all school trends) – Fidelity of Intervention data BOQ or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) (Self Assessment with External Coach) SET (External Evaluation) Tier 2 – Student Outcome data (groups/individuals) – Fidelity of intervention data Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool ISSET (External Evaluation) Tier 3 – Student Outcome data (individuals) Fidelity of Plan data / Facilitator data – Fidelity of Intervention data Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool ISSET (External Evaluation)

37 You can find it herehere


39 PBIS ASSESSMENT 2 TFI – Tiered Fidelity Inventory - now available on PBIS Assessment or TFI measures SWPBIS implementation at all three tiers TFI based on earlier fidelity surveys (SET, BoQ, TIC, SAS, BAT) School Systems Planning Teams complete

40 Tiered Fidelity Inventory

41 Total Score (TFI)

42 Subscales (TFI)

43 Decision Rules for getting access to T2/3 supports is in place Staff and Families are informed about how to get access to supports Request for Assistance in place Office referral form includes, name, date, time, location, problem behavior, possible motivation, referring staff, and is used as a screening tool Resource: Time out of class form, decision rules, student activity list 4. Student identification process in place at Tier 1


45 Youth has 2 Major ODRs Youth has 1 Suspension Youth experiences more than ? minutes out of instruction Youth misses more than ? days unexcused absences Youth drops GPA by more than ?? Youth – benchmark testing- McIntoshMcIntosh Youth- incomplete class work/homework Attendance (look at predictors for drop-out and school completion) Eligibility Data for school activities (athletics, band, chorus, clubs) Admin Referral Teacher/Staff Referral Family Referral Other: Decision Rules for Access to Advanced Tiers (and decision rules for prevention-if we can predict the trajectories, then we can prevent it from happening)

46 Data-Based Decision-Rules: Sample to Consider a) Identification for CICO (IN):  Youth is identified by Universal Screener, has 2 or more ODRs, 10% out of class time, open referral b) Progress-monitoring (ON):  DPR data is collected daily & reviewed every other week. Data is collected for 4-6 weeks (individual buildings decide whether 4 or 6 weeks will be better for their students). c) Exiting/transitioning (OUT):  Youth received a total of 80% of DPR points averaged per day/week for 4 weeks and has had no new ODRs or attendance concerns. Youth will be transitioned into being a CICO student mentor.

47 From focusing on individual student planning to a systems planning team that (a.)develops an advanced tier process in the school, (b) provides information, modeling, feedback, support and recognition for staff who implement Tier 2 interventions, (c) monitors effectiveness for students receiving CICO, CICO plus academic or social instructional groups and (d) reviews data in aggregate. Resource: Illinois Intervention Tracking Tool and Guiding Questions 5. Problem Solving Team has a shift in role – Clarifying role!!

48 3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) CICO SAIG Group w. individual feature Complex FBA/BIP Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Brief FBA/BI P Brief FBA/BIP WRAP RENEW Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Universal Team Universal Support

49 Teaming Functions Buy in that leads to change What are the necessary conversations? Secondary Systems Planning ‘conversation’ – Monitors effectiveness of CICO, Social Academic Instructional Group, Mentoring, and Brief FBA/BIP supports – Review data in aggregate to make decisions on improvements to the interventions themselves – Students are NOT discussed Problem Solving Team (‘conversation’) – Develops & monitors plans for one student at a time – Every school has this type of meeting – Teachers and family are typically invited

50 Who can do what? Coordinator Organizes and/or oversees the specific interventions such as CICO, S/AIG & Group with Individual Features Roles include: scheduling meetings, review & collect data to share during team meetings, etc… Facilitator Directly provides intervention support services to youth/families Roles include: meeting with students for CICO, running groups

51 General Education & Special Education Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Mentoring Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning

52 Huntley High School Map of Student Support Programming Area of Focus AcademicSocial/Emotional/Behavioral Level of Intensity Low High *- meets all PBIS/RTI criteria - Not Fully Implemented - Student-led Intervention Bold Systems Team: Systems Coordinators: Student/Parent Ambassadors: Building Administration, Academic/Behavioral Intervention Three to Five Representatives Coordinators, Tier 1/2/3 Coaches, District RTI/PBIS Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Updated: 2/15/2012 FBA/BIPs* Szarszynski RENEW* Saul IEP/SpEd* Nichols S/AIGs* Zacharias ICICO* Henk Making Connections* Konie Check-In/ Check-Out* Henk AMP Meindl Writing* Conant 9 th Hour Ten Mark (Math)* Kish Read 180* Frederick CRISS* Swartzloff(s) Raider Aid Price Rachel’s Challenge (Psych Club) Romanski The Raider Way Sharkey 9 th Grade Advisory (Link Crew) Zaleski, Grabner, Lindquist Peer Tutoring (NHS) Hummel Guided Study Hall Core Curriculum* Team Leaders Behavior Intervention Coordinator: Anne Sharkey Academic Intervention Coordinator: Kirsten Frederick Coaches—Angela Moyer/Joselyn Hummel/Jennifer Lang Coaches—Jamie Meindl/Karen Miller Coaches—Christina Nichols/Danyce Saul

53 Time to Chat!  How are these conversations similar or different to the ones that are currently taking place in your school(s)?  What is different or the same?  What might be some of the barriers that would come up with trying to have conversations like these?

54 Clinicians- moving from being the only response to identified social emotional needs, to being social emotional leaders of the building. TO Helping to build the capacity of the rest of the staff

55 Coaching/Consultation Coaching/Coordination Coaching/Facilitation The Role of the School-Based Clinician at All Three Tiers

56 Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool Structured to follow 6 levels/types of interventions from Secondary through Tertiary Increases accountability – Schools have to count # of kids in interventions – Data-based decision-rules are necessary (Identify, Progress-monitor, Exit) – Must define ‘response’ to each intervention type/level – Shows % of kids who responded to each intervention …..the tool assesses the success rate, or effectiveness of the interventions themselves Connects each level of intervention to the next level



59 Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcom e /Link to SIP Who do we serve? What is the ticket in? Names of Staff Non- negotiabl e District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Overlap? Modify? Attendance Committee studentsJunebug, Leo, Tom yes Attendance records Yes-fold to SW PBS SW PBS Team Students staff Ben, Tom, Lou no Office Referrals Attend, MIR, Nursing log,climate Yes- continue Safety Committee Students staff Toni, Barb,Tom no Office Referrals BIG 5, climate Yes-fold into SW PBS School Spirit Committee studentsTomnoNoYes-fold into SW PBS Discipline Committee studentsTom, LounoOffice Referrals Yes-fold into SW pbs Student Support Team/Problem Solving Team studentsSteve, Sue,Jon, Tom yesDiscipline, DIBELS, FACTS… No- continue School Improvement 1,2,3Bill, Jon, Lou, Tom yesAll of the above Yes- continue Working Smarter- Systems / Staff Support

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