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Canada’s Political Parties

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2 Canada’s Political Parties
The major political parties In Canada, there are five major political parties

3 1) Conservative Party of Canada
Party leader is Stephen Harper – currently the PM Currently form the government of Canada Also known as the Tories

4 2) Liberal Party of Canada
Party leader is Michael Ignatieff Currently the official opposition in parliament Have dominated Canada’s political leadership, holding power for almost 69 years in the 20th century

5 3) Bloc Québécois (the Bloc)
Party leader is Gilles Duceppe Currently have the third most seats in the House of Commons Devoted to the protection of Quebec’s interests and sovereignty

6 4) New Democratic Party (NDP)
Party leader is Jack Layton Currently have the fourth most seats in the House of Commons Has never won an election

7 Remember, the MP representing you is a member of the NDP
Dennis Bevington MP for Western Arctic

8 5) Green Party of Canada Party leader is Elizabeth May
Currently have no seats in the House of Commons Has never any seats in an election

9 Other federal parties In addition to the main five parties, there are fifteen other recognized federal parties Here are just 6 of the parties….

10 Western Block Party Wants independence for the western provinces.

11 First Peoples National Party of Canada
Goal is to bring attention to issues of Aboriginal people in Canada

12 Work Less Party (WLP) want a shorter work week – from 40 to 32 hours

13 Marijuana Party of Canada
Promotes the legalization of marijuana in Canada

14 Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Advocate that Canada should be governed according to biblical principles "the only pro-life, pro-family federal political party."

15 Neorhino Party (RHI) A joke political party
Successor of the former Rhinoceros Party (same idea) – the “neo” is a reference to the Matrix character! Promises not to keep any of its promises!

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