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Grammar Lesson 17 Vocab: Consul – an official appointed by government to look after the welfare and commercial interests of its citizens in foreign countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Lesson 17 Vocab: Consul – an official appointed by government to look after the welfare and commercial interests of its citizens in foreign countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Lesson 17 Vocab: Consul – an official appointed by government to look after the welfare and commercial interests of its citizens in foreign countries State of the Union – a speech given by the President to Congress to recommend ways to improve the condition of the nation

2 Progressive Verb Forms Six main verb tenses already covered: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect All of these have a progressive form

3 Progressive Forms Present Progressive Tense – action is still in progress at time of speaking Past Progressive – action in progress through a specific time in the past Future Progressive – action will be in progress in the future Present Perfect Progressive – begun in the past and still continuing in present Past Perfect Progressive – action begun, continued, and completed in past Future Perfect Progressive – continuous future action completed in the future

4 Progressive Forms Progressive forms use a form of to be and the present participle (ing added to main verb) Present Progressive – am, is, or are + present participle Past Progressive – was or were + present participle Future Progressive – shall be or will be + present participle Present Perfect Progressive – has been or have been + present participle Past Perfect Progressive – had been + present participle Future Perfect Progressive – will/shall have been + present participle

5 Grammar Lesson 18 Vocab Censor – edit, bowdlerize, expurgate, or remove something considered objectionable Censure – to condemn or blame

6 Linking Verbs Linking Verbs link the subject to the rest of the predicate Linking verbs don’t show action and don’t “help” the action verb Linking verbs connect a name or description to the subject Some verbs can be linking or action verbs Daniel Webster was a Senator. Daniel Webster was respectable.

7 Linking Verbs Common linking verbs: To recognize a linking verb, replace it with a form of “to be.” If the sentence still makes sense, the verb is a linking verb. The Senator feels exuberant. The Senator is exuberant.

8 Grammar Lesson 19 Vocab: Prob- Latin root, means “upright, honorable”, suggests honesty and integrity Approbation- praise or commendation Probity- integrity, honesty, and uprightness

9 The Infinitive as a Subject It is a verbal, like the gerund- a word that is formed from a verb but does not function like one The basic form of the verb, usually preceded by the preposition “to” May function as a noun, adjective, or adverb In this lesson, we will identify infinitives used as nouns and sentence subjects

10 How to Diagram Infinitives Diagram the infinitive on stilts above the base line Examples: To censor inappropriate material is the editor’s job. To appease the angry crowd proved difficult.

11 Two tenses Present: to advert, to impeach Perfect: to have adverted, to have impeached

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