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What lessons are there for the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Europe? Policy Brief on National Diabetes Plans in Europe Jelka Zaletel National.

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Presentation on theme: "What lessons are there for the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Europe? Policy Brief on National Diabetes Plans in Europe Jelka Zaletel National."— Presentation transcript:

1 What lessons are there for the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Europe? Policy Brief on National Diabetes Plans in Europe Jelka Zaletel National Institute of Public Health Slovenia Marina Maggini National Institute of Health, Italy On behalf of WP7 2 nd General Assembly meeting JA-CHRODIS 4 th February 2016

2 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Diabetes: a case study on strengthening health care for people with chronic diseases

3 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Factors that appear to facilitate the development, implementation and sustainability of NDPs

4 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Leadership -National/regional

5 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Leadership -National/regional -Multiple stakeholders

6 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Leadership -National/regional -Multiple stakeholders -Balance between centrally defined requirements and regional autonomy

7 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Leadership -National/regional -Multiple stakeholders -Balance between centrally defined requirements and regional autonomy -Assuring adequate resources and capacity for implementation, monitoring and evaluation

8 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Strong advocacy By patient representation

9 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Strong advocacy By patient representation -In development

10 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Strong advocacy By patient representation -In development -In implementation

11 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Flexibility -Learning from its own experience (monitoring, evaluation)

12 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Flexibility -Learning from its own experience (monitoring, evaluation) -Learning from others

13 WWW.CHRODIS.EU World Health Day 2016: Diabetes 7 April 2016 - World Health Day

14 WWW.CHRODIS.EU The Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS)* * This presentation arises from the Joint Action addressing chronic diseases and healthy ageing across the life cycle (JA- CHRODIS), which has received funding from the European Union, under the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013). Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of in the information contained therein.

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