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Bad Parenting Affecting Teens By: Brooke Harris, Maddie Tiedt & Erin Froelich.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Parenting Affecting Teens By: Brooke Harris, Maddie Tiedt & Erin Froelich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bad Parenting Affecting Teens By: Brooke Harris, Maddie Tiedt & Erin Froelich

2 Theme & Topic Theme: Theme: Bad parenting can have huge effects on teenager’s lives, on their decisions and choices.Topics: -Parent relationships -Teenage Violence -Gangs -Drug Culture -Teenage Suicide

3 How does our question relate to our topic? o Topic: Bad parent relationships leading to bad choices by teens o How does a bad relationship with their parents, affect teen’s decisions in their lives? o Is this true? If so, why does that happen?

4 Quote o Lady Capulet said, "Nurse, give leave awhile, we must talk in secret.—Nurse, come back again. I have remembered me….Thou know’st my daughter’s of a pretty age." (1.3.8-11). o Lady Capulet needed the Nurse to have a conversation with Juliet o They don’t have much communication in their relationship o Lady Capulet doesn’t know much about Juliet

5 Quote o Capulet said, "Out, you green sickness, carrion! Out, you baggage! You tallow face!" (3.5.156-57). o Lord Capulet called his own daughter worthless and saying that she disgusts him. o This shows a bad relationship between Lord Capulet and Juliet.

6 Research Question How does a bad relationship between teens and their parents impact their lives?

7 Research: Thinking about Parents & Child o A child's behavior is considered to be based on how the parents behaved o Usually, nice parents produce nice children and bad parents produce bad children o A study of delinquents made it clear that poor parents created juvenile children

8 Research: Thinking about Parents & Child o Children’s behavior can be affected by genetics o If a parent was not a very good child growing up, their child may be the same way o Some parents now adopt because of their worries of their child being just as bad of a child as they were

9 Research: Mother Damned-est o Parents use need for responsibility to manipulate their child o Children feel as though they need approval from their mothers to be a good child o Children feel that to be comforted by their parents, they have to be the perfect child o Children need understanding, appreciation, and attention from their parents

10 Research: Mother Damned-est o Difficult parents tend to take care of situations the wrong way o Proper parents have the right expectations and flexibility with their child, for the child to know what to do in situations o Some parents create the wrong relationship with their child o The "wrong relationship" leads to the wrong communication, understanding, and love between parents and their child o Wrong parenting leads to kids making the wrong decisions

11 Research: Parents Should Receive Incentives o Bad parenting causes suffering to their children o More parenting classes needed in school, so bad parenting happens less often o The future of children shouldn't be determined on what their parents have done in the past o Step-parents and other guardians also affect children o This guardian may not have been a good child, so they might unknowingly teach the same way

12 Research: Parents Should Receive Incentives o "I'm wondering why we need a license to get married, but we don't need a license to have kids— especially considering the fact that a bad marriage is easily undone and does no irreparable harm, whereas bad parenting can create a legacy of misery that affects large numbers of innocents and often gets passed on from progeny to progeny.” o This quote explains: -parenting needs to be taken more seriously than marriage -bad parenting is more serious than marriage because it affects the lives of more people

13 Quote o Capulet said, "My fingers itch.—Wife, we scarce thought us blest. That God had lent us but this only child, but now I see this one is one too much and that we have a curse in having her. Out on her, hilding!" (3.5.164-68). o He that the one child they had was one too many o He also called his one and only daughter a "hussy" o When parents say these things they can take a big toll, emotionally, on the child o Then the children might pull away

14 Quote o Juliet said, "Go, counselor. Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. I’ll to the friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have power to die." (3.5.240-43). o She doesn't want her parent's or the Nurse's advice anymore o She has given up on family, and she is prepared to kill herself o Without guidance, rash and bad decisions can be made

15 Research to Romeo & Juliet o Romeo and Juliet didn't have an understanding or get attention from their parents. o If Romeo or Juliet had good communication with their parents, they could havetalked to them about the marriage o Their parents should have had good understanding with their child o Instead, Romeo and Juliet had parents that didn't know how to listen, appreciate, or give their attention to their kids

16 Research to Romeo & Juliet o Romeo and Juliet’s parents manipulated them o Romeo and Juliet were very secretive o They don't want their parents to disapprove of them by loving the person they are supposed to hate o If their parents had the right communication skills, Romeo or Juliet could have easily talked to their parents about what decisions they should make o Instead of secretly marrying one another, and thus killing themselves

17 American Teenagers Today o Teens still don’t have good relationships with parents o Technology can keep them distanced o Times change, don’t know how to communicate together o Rebel against parents, make the wrong decisions o Parents want to be more of a “friend” rather than a parent o Parents want their children perfect, their image o Parents want children to be what they couldn’t be

18 Thesis Statement Parents pass along genes and their beliefs to their children. A bad parent relationship can affect how their children make decisions and their behavior, causing bad decisions to be made. Just small changes in a relationship can make a big difference.

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