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The Future is Wide Open with Open Educational Resources Wm. Preston Davis, Ed.D.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future is Wide Open with Open Educational Resources Wm. Preston Davis, Ed.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future is Wide Open with Open Educational Resources Wm. Preston Davis, Ed.D.

2 What are OER? “OER are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or repurposing by others.” – The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

3 OER Open Course Ware ModulesTextbooks Streaming Videos Open Journals Tutorials Learning Objects

4 Why use OER? Access – Open Educational Resources allows for all students to have equal access to all course materials Affordability – Open Educational Resources are free or very low cost, significantly reducing educational expenses Student Success – Open Educational Resources are high quality educational materials available in a variety of engaging formats for all learners

5 Open Content Repositories Open Content Repositories

6 OER at NOVA’s Extended Learning Institute Faculty training workshops on OER OER Google resource site for faculty OER general resource site and videos Online OER-based Gen Ed Certificate and Associate Degree Programs

7 NOVA’s OER-Based Associate Degree Project at ELI OER General Education courses saved students almost $200,000 in the first semester, and half a million to date! Offering two full OER AS Degree tracks in General Studies and Social Sciences. Innovative broad-impact approach benefits more students and creates greater awareness of OER. Helping faculty identify existing OER and/or create new OER materials increases faculty control of course content and improves teaching and learning outcomes. Making education more accessible and affordable for all learners at NOVA and throughout the VCCS by doing away with the requirement for students to purchase and rely on expensive textbooks for many gateway courses.

8 Current ELI OER Courses We selected high-impact courses for a broad population to launch our OER project: English – ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 125 College Math – MTH 151, MTH 152, MTH 157 Science – PHY 201, PHY 202 History – HIS 121, HIS 122 Humanities/Fine Arts – ART 101, ART 102, REL 100, MUS 121 Social/Behavioral Sciences – HIS 262, PSY 200, SOC 200 Student Development – SDV 100 Communications – CST 110 Information Technology – ITE 115 Economics – ECO 201, ECO 202 Physical Education – PED 116

9 Team Designed Course Approach Program Director is nationally known Educational Leader and OER Advocate. Faculty are recognized subject matter experts. Instructional Designers are content delivery experts. Librarians are OER and information curation experts.

10 ELI’s OER Adoption Model Faculty were provided small grant funded stipends to redesign an online course using free materials and OER instead of traditional textbooks. ELI resources (Librarians, Instructional Designers) were provided to assist in course design and development, and OER curation, as part of their workload. All course materials developed for this project will be licensed through Creative Commons and shared after the pilot.

11 Costs of Course Textbooks ENG 111:$140 ENG 112 :$93 ENG 125:$89 MTH 151:$263 PHY 201:$269 PHY 202:$244 HIS 121:$109 HIS 122:$109 ART 101:$226 ART 102:$226 HIS 262:N/A (new course) SDV 100:$77 Average cost of Textbooks = $185 CST 110: $140 ECO 201: $281.80 ECO 202: $281.80 ITE 115: $182.70 MTH 152: $161.80 MTH 157: $123.55 MUS 121: $141.45 PED 116: $92.85 PSY 200: $107.15 REL 100: $138.55 SOC 200: $114.65 Potential savings of $3600 per student

12 Outcomes These courses are more affordable and accessible to community college students. Students can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars, and all students have equal access to all digital OER course content/materials. Student Success rates will improve. More students will persist. Student demand for these courses will drive future OER course development.

13 OER Organizations & Resources TAACCCT Skills Commons MERLOThttp://www.merlot.org Creative Commons CCCOER OER Commons OpenStax Open Education Consortium Open Course Library College Open Textbooks Saylor Academy http://www.saylor.org Howard Hugheshttp://www.hhmi.org Open Textbook Library BC Campus MIT OCW Lumen Learning WikiEducator

14 Open Discussion Thank You!

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