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 Need for CAD standard  Understand the graphic kernel system and its extensions for developing the graphic software systems  Requirement of graphic.

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Presentation on theme: " Need for CAD standard  Understand the graphic kernel system and its extensions for developing the graphic software systems  Requirement of graphic."— Presentation transcript:


2  Need for CAD standard  Understand the graphic kernel system and its extensions for developing the graphic software systems  Requirement of graphic data exchange formats and their details such as IGES, DXF and STEP  Dimensional measurement interface specification for communication between coordinate measuring machine and the CAD data

3 -Necessary to standardise certain elements at each stage to minimize company investment on certain software and hardware without much modification on the newer and different systems. -This means that there should be compatibility between various software elements as also between the hardware and software. -Following are some of the interface standards at various levels;  GKS (Graphical Kernel System)  PHIGS (Programmer’s Hierarchical Interface for Graphics)  CORE (ACM-SIGGRAPH)  GKS-3D  IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)  DXF (Drawing Exchange Format)  STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data)  DMIS (Dimensional Measurement Interface Specification)  VDI (Virtual Device Interface)  VDM (Virtual Device Metafile)  GKSM (GKS Metafile)  NAPLPS (North American Presentation Level Protocol  Syntax)


5  It is desirable to have programs interchangeable with a number of systems, and also to make programmers learn the system once and then repeatedly use it on different systems. Examples are: Tektronics Plot 10 GINO-F from CAD Centre, Cambridge.

6 The main objectives that were put forward for GKS are: 1. To provide the complete range of graphical facilities in 2D, including the interactive capabilities, 2. To control all types of graphic devices such as plotters and display devices in a consistent manner, 3. To be small enough for a variety of programs.


8 The coordinate frames available to the user are of three types: 1. World coordinates (WC) which are the user- oriented drawing coordinates. 2. Normalised device coordinates (NDC) which is a uniform system for all work stations. 3. Device coordinates (DC) are the actual coordinate system for the particular work station.

9  The GKS is essentially a set of procedures that can be called by user programs for carrying out certain generalized functions (such as arc, circle, ellipse etc.)  GKS is defined in terms of numbers of levels describing the level of support in term of facilities

10 Purpose: Output routine. Outputs one of the four generalised drawing primitives. Format: CALL GGDP (n, px, py, primid, ldr, datrec) n Integer*2 Number of points px(n) Real. List of X coordinates (WC) py(n) Real. List of Y coordinates (WC) primid Integer*2. GDP identifier (Fig. 5.3) 1 = bar 2 = arc 3 = pie slice 4 = circle ldr Integer*2. Length of data record datrec Character*80 Data record


12  GKS 3D- maintains compatibility with the 2D standard.  PHIGS (Programmer’s Hierarchical Interface for graphics)  NAPLPS


14  However, the IGES is the most comprehensive standard and is designed to transmit the entire product definition including that of manufacturing and any other associated information (Fig. 5.6).  A brief description of the IGES version 3.0 is given below highlighting the philosophy of the conversion methodology.





19 The broad scope of STEP is as follows: 1. The standard method of representing the information necessary to completely define a product throughout its entire life, i.e., from the product conception to the end of useful life. 2. Standard methods for exchanging the data electronically between two different systems.




23 The DXF format has been developed and supported by Autodesk for use with the AutoCAD drawing files.

24 Dimensional Measurement Interface Specification (DMIS) is a new standard in communication being established by CAM-I for manufacturing. This standard tries to establish a means of knowing what has been made by the CAM process. The objectives – is to provide a bi-directional communication of inspection data between computer systems and inspection equipment.



27 TOL/CIRLTY Function: Specifies a circularity tolerance for a feature, and assigns to it a label. Default: None Format: T(label) = TOL/CIRLTY, tolzon, var_1, F(label) Where: var_1 can be: MMC or: LMC or: RFS label is an alphanumeric label Assigned to the tolerance, and is up to 10 characters in length.

28  GKS is used to standardise the graphic system calling procedures at the lowest level so that programmers and program can be easily migrated between different systems  The neutral CAD database is an important requirement to help with the transfer of information between various CAD/CAM systems  IGES is used for transferring information between various CAD systems for modelling as well as drafting data  STEP is being used extensively in view of its varied and better facilities for exchanging product model data  DXF - ?  DMIS - ?

29  What is the importance of standards in CADCAM?  Write briefly on any one of the known graphic standards  What is meant by DMIS? Explain its importance in the manufacturing of mass consumption items  How is IGES different from GKS?  Write a short note about DXF standard  Explain the relevance of IGES in the Malaysian manufacturing scene.


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