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Field work for Dummies.

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Presentation on theme: "Field work for Dummies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field work for Dummies

2 Here is some equipment that biologists may use to measure the abiotic environment
A light meter to measure light intensity Measures in Lux

3 A pH meter to measure acidity/alkalinity
Thermometer to measure temperature

4 Secchi disc to measure water clarity
Oxygen meter to measure dissolved oxygen.

5 Tape measures and trundle wheels to measure distances

6 Animals and plants can be sampled as part of the biotic environment
a pooter is used to suck up small bugs

7 Small animals can be trapped or their feet prints recorded in an ink trap
A beating tray will collect small bugs on vegetation

8 Kick sampling collects river organisms

9 A Tullgren funnel finds small animals in soil or leaf litter
A pitfall trap collects crawling insects

10 Capture recapture sampling allows an estimate of a population when there are too many to count

11 Quadrats are used to count a few organisms in a large area to make estimates or get a snapshot of what is in an environment.

12 Using a quadrat to estimate a population
Count the population in randomly placed quadrats. Do lots of quadrats Work out population density. Density= Total no in all quadrats No of quads X area of the Sampled Quadrat 4. Measure the area and work out the total population

13 Transects are used to map out changing environments
Transects are used to map out changing environments. There are 2 types:- line and belt transects

14 In a line transect you count everything along a single transect line
In a line transect you count everything along a single transect line. They allow you to draw a profile

15 Belt transects count organisms in an area. They often use quadrats

16 A kite diagram can be drawn of organisms counted in a belt transect

17 For you to do Work out the estimated population of your chosen plant (Daisies)in the garden In the class estimate the populations of the different organisms (worksheet) Complete a line or belt transect in the hort. Garden Do a capture recapture exercise ( worksheet) Draw a stream profile Draw a kite diagram.

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