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SISO Implementation Study Group for C4I-to-simulation Interfaces (ISG-C4I) Joseph Lacetera Spring 1999 SIW 14-19 March 1999.

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1 SISO Implementation Study Group for C4I-to-simulation Interfaces (ISG-C4I) Joseph Lacetera Spring 1999 SIW 14-19 March 1999

2 Background  A key issue for the C4ISR M&S community is standardization of the interfacing of real C4I to simulations  Standards for C4ISR interfaces are being developed simultaneously by both the C4I and M&S communities  M&S community is moving on a path towards standardizing interfaces on emerging HLA approaches  DoD C4I community is moving to standardize on the JTA and the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE)

3 SISO Role  SISO provides a forum for the interchange of new ideas, concepts, and technology across the broad M&S community, and lays the groundwork for subsequent standards development  As an intermediate step between the presentations and working group meetings at the workshops and actual standards development, SISO also charters Implementation Study Groups (ISG) to study specific M&S issues that may ultimately bear on the development of standards

4 ISG-C4I Administration  TOR presented to CC and SAC prior to Spring 99 SIW  ISG-C4I approved by CC and SAC 14 March 1999  Those interested in being members of the ISG-C4I are invited to subscribe to the SIW-ISG-C4I reflector

5 Purpose of ISG-C4I  Bring together key players  Study feasibility of potential approaches for development of C4I–to-simulation interfaces  Objectives  Reduction of the number of C2-to-simulation interfaces to a small number of connection solutions at the between the COE and HLA- compliant RTIs  Develop processes for matching the standards being developed for the HLA which govern simulations and those of the JTA which govern real systems  Make recommendations for standards development (SDGs)

6 ISG-C4I Working Process  Chair will revise draft TOR based on discussions/feedback during and after Spring 99 SIW  Exchange of ideas is expected to occur via the ISG-C4I reflector (including material for comment and review)  General policy of the ISG-C4I will be to make available preliminary and final products as soon as they are available, when to do so would further the goals of the ISG-C4I and the SISO community  Subgroups should produce SIW papers  Chair will write summary paper/report  Final Product/Products will list all contributors

7 ISG-C4I Schedule  An interim ISG-C4I meeting may be held in summer 1999  There will be a regular meeting of the ISG-C4I during the September 1999 SIW  Progress/product-status report  Interim ISG-C4I meeting around January 2000 if necessary to finalize ISG-C4I products prior to the March 2000 SIW  Final task and product reported at the Spring 2000 SIW

8 Status of ISG Products  ISG products should be viewed as steps toward development of material which may be useful in the creation of SISO standards or other SISO products by a Standards Development Group  ISG products are not expected to have the stature of a formal SISO product (such as a SISO standard) themselves, but ISG-C4I products and reports are expected to identify areas for further study and discussion and/or may contribute directly to the development of one or more Standard Nomination submissions

9 ISG-C4I Membership Officers  ISG-C4I Chair:Joe Lacetera  ISG-C4I Vice Chair:Don Timian  CC POC:Rick Severinghaus  SAC POC:TBD Forum POCs/Liaisons:  RPR-FOM GroupKeith Briggs  C4I ForumJohn Roberts  SLTChris Wertman Other initial membership  Doug Flournoy, Mike Hieb, Bob Leath, John Roberts, Rick Severinghaus, Ron Sprinkle, Ken Sullivan, William Sudnikovich, …  ISG-C4I membership/participation is open to all who wish to contribute

10 ISG-C4I Considerations/Tasks  C4I Interface Technical Reference Model  Data standards that can link systems to simulations  C4I, C2, other Reference FOMs  C4I-to-simulation interface lexicon w/bibliography  Information Modeling as a part of the FEDEP for C4ISR  C4ISR CMMS

11 ISG-C4I Considerations/Tasks cont.  Other related tasks to be identified by group  Impact of CCSIL  Communications Effects Federate (impact on CVL)  Effects of environment  transfer/authentification of data/metadata  data coherence (redundant feedback loops)

12 ISG-C4I Process  Chair will post sub-tasks (with expected completion dates) which will contribute to accomplishment of the identified ISG-C4I tasks  Members may comment upon and suggest revisions to the sub-tasks and volunteer to be responsible for them  Chair will modify sub-tasks as appropriate and assign completion responsibilities  Individuals responsible for drafting material will post it on the ISG-C4I reflector for review/comment/revision  When material is considered essentially final, those enrolled on the ISG-C4I reflector will be asked to vote on its acceptability as an ISG-C4I product

13 Products  Intermediate Products to be determined  SIW papers by subgroups  Summary Report  Formal Product Report  Recommendations on simulation-to-C4I interface standards  C4I Data and Interface Lexicon Bibliography of references that support the findings of the ISG  Products/papers and other references available on C4ISR web site

14 Summary  C4I-to-simulation interfacing presents complex problems  SISO SIWs and reflector environment is appropriate for key players to convene to explore potential solutions  ISG approach will bridge gap between current status and standards development  ISG-C4I has twelve months to produce final products

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