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NGSU – Sickness Absence. SICKNESS ABSENCE 2 CONTRACTUAL POSITION + Employment Contract – Section 12 ‘Sick Pay’ + Requires ‘reasonable and reliable’ attendance.

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Presentation on theme: "NGSU – Sickness Absence. SICKNESS ABSENCE 2 CONTRACTUAL POSITION + Employment Contract – Section 12 ‘Sick Pay’ + Requires ‘reasonable and reliable’ attendance."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGSU – Sickness Absence

2 SICKNESS ABSENCE 2 CONTRACTUAL POSITION + Employment Contract – Section 12 ‘Sick Pay’ + Requires ‘reasonable and reliable’ attendance + Take reasonable steps to keep absence to a minimum + Notify Manager and keep them informed + May be required to see or speak to medical advisor + Sick Pay – normal basic pay + Up to 6 months service – up to 2 months in any consecutive 12 months + More than 6 months service – up to 6 months + Does not preclude termination of employment

3 SICKNESS ABSENCE POLICY 3 KEY HR POLICY + Applies to all employees including Snr Execs + Some sections are ‘contractual’ + Occupational Sick Pay + Prolonged Sick Pay + Reporting requirements + illness or injury supported by self/medical certification + Covers short term and long term sickness

4 SICKNESS ABSENCE POLICY 4 INTENT + A ‘proactive’ and ‘positive’ approach + Recognises that employees will have ‘genuine’ and ‘acceptable’ reasons to be absent + Aims to balance support for individuals while managing impact on colleagues and the business + Business concerns about absence will be managed under the Ill Heath Capability Policy

5 SICKNESS ABSENCE POLICY 5 SICKNESS ABSENCE REPORTING + Must call Manager or authorised deputy + before normal start time if possible + not later than within one hour of start time + text and e-mails not acceptable - unless agreed + manager may call back on same and subsequent days + Failure to follow the procedure may result in: + deduction of pay + disciplinary action

6 SICKNESS ABSENCE POLICY 6 CERTIFICATION + Self Certification + if absence last 7 calendar days or less + Medical Certificate + from eighth day (including non-working days) + Fit Note - GPs can suggest four options + a phased return + altered hours + amended duties + workplace adaptations

7 MANAGING ABSENCE 7 PROMOTING GOOD ATTENDANCE + Managers should: + be alert to issues that might contribute to absence – stress/relationship issues + encourage use of support services – OH/EmployeeCare + conduct effective return to work interview + seek early advice from HR + record all absences + maintain confidentiality + keep in contact and keep employees up to date

8 MANAGING ABSENCE 8 PROMOTING GOOD ATTENDANCE + Managers should: + be sensitive to the nature of the absence without trivialising the impact of the absence or encouraging the employee to return to work to soon + Maintaining Contact + Day One - agree subsequent contact frequency and method + Long term – use discretion “being sensitive to the nature of absence”

9 MANAGING ABSENCE 9 RETURN TO WORK + Return to work interviews should be: + supportive and in the right tone + take into account individual circumstances + Measuring Absence + Frequency of absence may ‘prompt’ action + Identify appropriate support (such as): + Occupational Health Referral + Workplace Adjustments & Phased Return + Ill Heath Support Plan

10 MANAGING ABSENCE 10 CAPABILITY ISSUES + The III Health Capability Policy seeks to manage: + Frequent short term sickness absence + Poor performance due to ill health + Long term sickness + A three-stage process + To identify support to improve attendance + Employment Review meeting - may end employment + Right to representation from NGSU

11 MANAGING ABSENCE 11 IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS + Pregnancy-related sickness + It is unlawful to treat a woman unfavorably because of a pregnancy related illness + Protected period – start of pregnancy to end of maternity leave + Disability + Equality Act 2010 – protections and requirement for reasonable adjustments + Has a broad definition of disability + Does not preclude dismissal + Disability and Reasonable Adjustment Guide

12 MANAGING ABSENCE 12 OTHER ISSUES + Occupational Health Support + Provides impartial advice on impact of illness on ability to carry out work + Early referral is by consent + Some contractual requirements - eligibility for PSB + Surveillance & Social Media + May offer evidence that illness is not genuine but… + Illness does not confine you to bed - don’t jump to conclusions + May breach monitoring and data protection

13 SICK PAY 13 SICK PAY + Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) + Prolonged Sick Pay (PSB) + Eligibility on date of joining: + Before 1 Jan 2002: 75% pay for 18 months + After 1 Jan 2002: 50% pay for 6 months + Subject to OH referral and on-going assessment + Permanent Incapacity Early Retirement (PIER) + NBS Pension Fund members

14 SICKNESS AND HOLIDAY 14 IMPLICATIONS FOR HOLIDAY + Holiday entitlement accrues during sickness absence + Holiday can be taken at an alternative time + if you fall sick or are injured while on holiday or before a pre-booked holiday + requires certificate or doctors letter + request is normally sent within 10 days of incapacity + Carrying forward holiday + Holiday can be carried forward if can’t be used because of sickness + The maximum is four weeks less bank holidays less any taken holiday

15 OTHER POLICIES 15 SOME OTHER POLICIES + Medical Appointments + Disability Leave + Wellbeing Policy + Workplace Adjustments + Eyecare + Domestic Violence + Drug & Alcohol + Emergency Time Off for Dependents + Compassionate Leave

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