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Carers of East Lothian Short Breaks Service for Older People and their Carers Time well spent!

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Presentation on theme: "Carers of East Lothian Short Breaks Service for Older People and their Carers Time well spent!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carers of East Lothian Short Breaks Service for Older People and their Carers Time well spent!

2 Aim To support people in a caring situation to arrange breaks that are as beneficial as possible for both the carer and the older person they care for

3 Background Pilot Project Dec 2011-May 2012 Short Breaks Service began June 2012 Officially launched at the COEL AGM September 2012

4 The Short Breaks Service Supportive discussions where both the carer and the person they care for can think about their needs Research into short break opportunities Negotiations with short break providers Advice re social work provision Grant applications Referrals to other services Transport options Mobility equipment Also… Support with the emotional issues around organising breaks

5 The Short Breaks Service More time apart… Could the older person be left on their own safely for a short period of time? Would the older person benefit from spending some time with other people e.g. at a day service or with a support worker? Would the older person prefer to be cared for at home or away from home while their carer has a longer break? Quality time together… Would the carer and the person they care for like to have a break together but with other people undertaking the caring responsibilities?

6 Outcomes Carers will find their caring roles more manageable Older people in need of care will be able to stay in their own homes for a longer time Carers and the people they care for will maintain a happier and healthier relationship Carers and older people will feel valued and supported

7 Features Plus Points Continuity for people using the service A holistic approach A supportive environment where caring issues are understood Easy access, quick response times A dedicated service Challenges No budget for breaks Not a one-stop shop, some assessments and services still accessed through social work Small scale – one worker with administrative support

8 Work in Progress Ongoing evaluation of the service to respond to older people and their carers’ comments and requests. Support for people managing their SDS individual budgets for short breaks/respite A streamlined service to inform carers about spare capacity/short break opportunities in care homes A growing membership with increased power to negotiate favourable rates with holiday providers Involvement in shaping future short break provision Organised days out for carers as a break from caring

9 The Short Breaks Service Thank you for your time Any questions?

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