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Presentation on theme: "GOOD AFTERNOON! TURN IN PARENT SLIP SIGNED HAVE A PENCIL AND PAPER READY FOR NOTES! Advisory Aug. 20, 2015 Due tomorrow: Parent signed slips."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOOD AFTERNOON! TURN IN PARENT SLIP SIGNED HAVE A PENCIL AND PAPER READY FOR NOTES! Advisory Aug. 20, 2015 Due tomorrow: Parent signed slips

2 Hallway Expectations page.11&16

3 Positive Hallway Behavior Expectations: 1. Walk on the right side of the hall using caution at the corners 2. Speak in a respectful conversational tone. No yelling or loud voices or inappropriate voices. 3. Keep hands and feet to self. Respect everyone’s personal space. 4. Refrain from hooking elbows and walking two people across. 5. Yield to students crossing towards their lockers or classrooms. 6. Use appropriate speed and avoid sudden stops. 7. Avoid clustering in congested areas. 8. Pick up trash and papers in order to keep our school looking good. 9. Smile and show that you are a CHIVALROUS KNIGHT!!!

4 Accountable Follow adult directions the first time Do your part – pick up trash if you see it Be patient going in and out of doorways Walk purposefully to and from classes

5 Cooperative Follow adult direction the first time Assist others in need

6 PAGE. 14 Locker

7 Use locker before school, before and after lunch, and after school. Stay in the locker assigned to them. Leave coats and backpacks in their locker during the school day. Use locker quietly and quickly and then move on so others can get to their lockers. Keep a lock on the locker.

8 Common Area Expectations

9 Walk down the right hand side of the hallway Go up and down the right-hand side of the stairs Get off the buses and proceed to classes starting at 7:25 Be in class by 7:45 AM (school starts!) Be courteous to fellow students, staff, and guests in the building Be proud of our school—pick up trash, be kind to your locker, keep your desk and locker neat and organized…keep our school clean!

10 Bathroom Expectations Make sure to use it properly

11 It is more then just a pit stop To ensure the bathroom is a safe and clean environment and to allow students to practice good hygiene. Expectations: Respect others privacy Use quiet voices Hands and feet to self’s Go, flush, wash Use bathroom only when needed Wait your turn Respect school property Report vandalism and problems to staff Use the trash can

12 INFORMATION FROM CMS HANDBOOK All pictures from Google Questions?

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