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Welcome to Middle School!. Middle School at SCIS is awesome!!!! It’s going to be a great year. But there are some things you should know.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Middle School!. Middle School at SCIS is awesome!!!! It’s going to be a great year. But there are some things you should know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Middle School!

2 Middle School at SCIS is awesome!!!! It’s going to be a great year. But there are some things you should know.

3 Some Things to Know The School Day Middle School Spaces Break and Lunch Time Activities Uniform and Dress Code Gum Warehouse You Schedule

4 The School Day  The school day for students starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:00. Students are expected to arrive to school between 7:30 - 8:00 so that they are prepared to begin classes promptly at 8:00. Buses leave school at approximately 3:15.  Libraries will be closed at 4:30 p.m. Office Hours end at 4:30.  Students should be in a library, café or common area after school unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher, coach or parent activity coordinator.  On weekends, the campus is open only to teachers unless an event or activity has been planned.

5 Middle School Spaces Acceptable Locations for Breaks & After School  During break and lunchtime, students can be in the student locker area, Middle School commons area, the courtyard, or the field. Students should only be in classrooms with teacher permission and with the teacher present.  During break time, students are welcome be in the gym under teacher supervision. Be aware that no food is allowed in the gym.  Afterschool, students should be in a library, café or common area unless they are in an after-school activity.

6 Passing in the hallways and stairs  Between classes, students should use only the Middle School designated stairs to avoid interfering with the Lower School. These are the stairs located next to the Middle School office area. The exception to this rule is students traveling to Mandarin class in C226.  We are a bell-free school, yet we expect students to be mindful of the time and arrive to class promptly.

7 Lower School  Middle School students should avoid walking through the lower school, including traveling down lower school hallways.  Also, do not use the Lower School bathrooms. Use the Middle School bathrooms on the 3 rd floor and in the basement

8 Break and Lunch Time Activities Computer Usage at Break and Lunch  During break and lunch, students should unplug and connect with their peers. Therefore, students are not permitted to use their laptops without teacher permission. Get your Energy out!  As mentioned, student may play in the upper school gym during break time  Sports equipment is available for check-out in Ms. Bowley’s office.

9 Uniform and Dress Code  Students should always wear the SCIS blue polo shirt and khaki shorts, pants, or the SCIS skirt. Jeans or non-khaki pants are not acceptable.  Wear shorts and skirts that are an appropriate length for school.  Hats can be worn outside but need to be taken off inside the building.

10 The Warehouse  Students will visit the warehouse with their class to get books and a lock for their locker.  Students are not allowed in the warehouse unless they are with a teacher.  For in-class projects, teachers will get supplies in advance and bring them to the classroom. Talk to your teacher if you think you may need something in particular.

11 Gum  There is NO GUM at SCIS. It gets on tables, in carpets, and makes a mess… so it is not allowed.

12 Your Schedule  Your schedule will stay in the same order each day, but it will “rotate up” so you will start with a new class.  You can see this in PowerSchool each week  We will now fill out a schedule for next week.

13 Welcome!

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