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A Comparative Study on the Level of Realizing Children’s Rights. : A Focus on Rich Countries Sunsuk Kim Korea National University of Transportation SPA.

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1 A Comparative Study on the Level of Realizing Children’s Rights. : A Focus on Rich Countries Sunsuk Kim Korea National University of Transportation SPA Conference 2014

2 Background


4  There are some difficulties in measuring children’s rights.  Some scholars raised the issue of the gaps which exist between rights in theory and rights in practice.

5 Conceptual Background Economic rights

6  More focused on rich countries known as the OECD.  Central to this paper are two ideas as follows 1-1. Construct CRI 1-2. Compare the realisation of children’s rights in rich countries 2. Make clear the relationship of national economic status, ratification of CRC and child subjective well-being with realising children’s rights.

7 Constructing the Children’s Rights Index DomainIndicatorData source HEALTH (survival /civil) Vaccination rates (measles) OECD (2007), Health at a Glance. Low birth weight OECD (2007), Health at a Glance. WELFARE (protections / economic) Child maltreatment WHO (2010), WHO Mortality Database. Children in poor homes OECD Income Distribution database, developed for OECD (2008b), Growing Unequal EDUCATION ( development /social) Entry rates at the tertiary level OECD(2011), Education at a Glance. Educational deprivation OECD Programme for International Student Assessment database 2006 (OECD/PISA, 2008).

8 Method  Make an index of child rights for health, welfare and education  Select 2-3 indicators in each section  10 indicators  10 Indicators -> Z-Score -> Mean -> Conversion Scores (mean: 100, SD: 10)

9 The Score of CRI

10 Correlation with indicators Vaccination Low birth weight Infant mortality Public health spending Child abuse Child poverty Family benefits Tertiary entry rate Deficiency of educational environ- ment Public education expendi- ture Vaccination 1-.006.198-.305.153.109-.214.074.156-.421* Low birth weight -.0061.391*-.220.296.465*-.499**-.402*.534**-.468* Infant mortality.198.391*1-.541**.483**.509**-.343-.220.817**-.211 Public health spending -.305-.220-.541**1-.211-.391*.382*.122-.577**.403* Child abuse.153.296.483**-.2111.309-.414*.123.389*-.079 Child poverty.109.465*.509**-.391*.3091-.589**-.147.505**-.342 Family benefits -.214-.499**-.343.382*-.414*-.589**1.117-.378*.564** Tertiary entry rate.074-.402*-.220.122.123-.147.1171-.290.385* Deficiency of educational environment.156.534**.817**-.577**.389*.505**-.378*-.2901-.222 Public education expenditure -.421*-.468*-.211.403*-.079-.342.564**.385*-.2221

11 National economic status and CRI - Relationship between GDP per capita(2005) and CRI

12 National economic status and CRI - Relationship between economic inequality and CRI

13 Treaties Ratified and CRI - Ratification of CRC

14 Treaties Ratified and CRI - Ratification of HCCP

15 SWB and CRI

16 Discussion  At the bottom of the countries in CRI have some unique patterns. -These countries show rather low points in welfare domain. -A higher score in welfare domain tends to correlate with a higher rank in CRI in 10 of top countries.  Most countries show similar scores in each domain(present state, coverage, and government expenditure).  The data related to the economic condition such as GDP and GINI, suggest that economic inequality is more related to CRI than the economic situation itself within countries.

17 Discussion  Not find a positive relationship between CRI and the treaty ratification of CRC -a positive tendency in the ratification of HCCP.  Generally, higher level of CRI tends to equate to a higher level of SWE. - But there is a contradiction in some countries.

18 Limitation of the study  Limited domain of child rights  In spite of the willingness and freedom of children, we regards child rights as guard not children themselves but adults.  The limitation of making index for child rights.

19 Thank You ~

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