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Policy-driven Service Composition and Data Sharing in a Coalition Scenario with Trust and Obfuscation ACITA 2012 Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy-driven Service Composition and Data Sharing in a Coalition Scenario with Trust and Obfuscation ACITA 2012 Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy-driven Service Composition and Data Sharing in a Coalition Scenario with Trust and Obfuscation ACITA 2012 Demonstration

2 Overview Normal policies Inference firewall limits data shared between NATO and non-NATO party Obfuscated information is known, but not the movements of individual squads Casevac policies NATO nation cannot carry out the casevac, but non-NATO coalition partner can Policy dynamically changes to show details of individual squads

3 Research Represented Task 3.1: Secure Information Flows The sharing of data is controlled by policy based on trust metrics Task 4.2: Improving Information Extraction through Controlled Language Policies are expressed in Controlled English Task 5.2: Policy Driven Dynamic Service Composition for Sensor Networks Services are composed automatically based on policy constraints Task 6.1: Information Fusion in Coalition Operations under Data Obfuscation and Variable Trust An inference firewall forms a key part of the demo

4 Hardware

5 Zac Depp Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Major: Electrical Engineering Junior @ West Point Hobbies: Weightlifting, Halo Kiefer Ragay Hometown: Fayetteville, North Carolina Major: Electrical Engineering Junior @ West Point Hobbies: Traveling Kevin Lee Hometown: Queens, New York Major: Information Technology Senior @ West Point Hobbies: Ski, Basketball

6 Mission Overview (Scenario) Main Supply Route Kodiak has been a key route for the local population in a small village called New Tristram. This route is used to transport important resources to sustain the village population. New Tristram is a NATO friendly village that provides key information about the El Diablo (insurgent) forces. There has been intel that El Diablo are planning to seize control of the supply route in order to influence and instill fear in the local population. 2 nd Platoon Bravo Company 1-502 IN will secure OBJ Crown NLT 151700JUN2012 IOT prevent El Diablo forces to seize control of MSR Kodiak and terrorizing the local population.

7 N New Tristram AO London 32 31 64 65 66 FOB Freedom MSR Kodiak ASR Denali Helmand River RTE Kenai RTE Seward S 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. Mission: Secure OBJ Crown NLT 15JUN2012 IOT control Main Supply Route Kodiak PL: LT Brown PSG: MSG Green 1SL: SGT Earl 2SL: SGT Miller 3SL: SGT Scott WPN: SGT Wills 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. Mission: Secure OBJ Crown NLT 15JUN2012 IOT control Main Supply Route Kodiak PL: LT Brown PSG: MSG Green 1SL: SGT Earl 2SL: SGT Miller 3SL: SGT Scott WPN: SGT Wills OBJ CROWN B/1-5022

8 N New Tristram AO London 32 31 64 65 66 FOB Freedom MSR Kodiak ASR Denali Helmand River RTE Kenai RTE Seward 2/B/1-502 2 3 1 WPN 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. WPN Squad Mission: Provide Support By Fire OBJ Crown NLT 151700JUN2012 IOT assist the Main Effort. WPN: SGT Wills TL: CPL Buss TL: CPL Linton 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. WPN Squad Mission: Provide Support By Fire OBJ Crown NLT 151700JUN2012 IOT assist the Main Effort. WPN: SGT Wills TL: CPL Buss TL: CPL Linton OBJ CROWN 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. 3rd Squad (ME) Mission: Attack to ClearOBJ Crown NLT 151700JUN2012 IOT allow safe access through MSR Kodiak. 3SL: SGT Scott TL: CPL Johnson TL: CPL Lin 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. 3rd Squad (ME) Mission: Attack to ClearOBJ Crown NLT 151700JUN2012 IOT allow safe access through MSR Kodiak. 3SL: SGT Scott TL: CPL Johnson TL: CPL Lin B C

9 9 Line Medevac Line 1. Location of the pick-up site. Line 2. Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix. Line 3. Number of patients by precedence: A - Urgent B - Urgent Surgical C - Priority D - Routine E - Convenience Line 4. Special equipment required: A - None B - Hoist C - Extraction equipment D - Ventilator Line 5. Number of patients: A - Litter B - Ambulatory Line 6. Security at pick-up site: N - No enemy troops in area P - Possible enemy troops in area (approach with caution) E - Enemy troops in area (approach with caution) X - Enemy troops in area (armed escort required) * In peacetime - number and types of wounds, injuries, and illnesses Line 7. Method of marking pick-up site: A - Panels B - Pyrotechnic signal C - Smoke signal D - None E - Other Line 8. Patient nationality and status: A - US Military B - US Civilian C - Non-US Military D - Non-US Civilian E - EPW Line 9. NBC Contamination: N - Nuclear B - Biological C - Chemical * In peacetime - terrain description of pick-up site

10 N New Tristram AO London 32 31 64 65 66 FOB Freedom MSR Kodiak ASR Denali Helmand River RTE Kenai RTE Seward S 2/B/1-502 2 3 1 WPN OBJ CROWN EMERGENCY!! 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. PL: LT Brown 9 Line Medivac to follow: Line 1: XY30016500 Line 2: Yankee 12345 Line 3: 1A, 2B, 1D Line 4: D Line 5: 2A, 3B ------------------------- Line 6: E Line 7: C Line 8: A Line 9: None EMERGENCY!! 1-502nd 2 nd PLT Bravo Co. PL: LT Brown 9 Line Medivac to follow: Line 1: XY30016500 Line 2: Yankee 12345 Line 3: 1A, 2B, 1D Line 4: D Line 5: 2A, 3B ------------------------- Line 6: E Line 7: C Line 8: A Line 9: None

11 Scenario enhancement ideas Reconnaissance goes out before and places sensors (acoustic/seismic/sniffers…) – Addresses P5 service composition issues Causalities caused by IEDs rather than ambush – Sensors might not have detected IED – IED could take out sensor, trigger recomposition Include some aspect of planning

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