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Global Health Service Partnership Fitzhugh Mullan, MD Seed Global Health Diana Schmidt, PhD Peace Corps.

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1 Global Health Service Partnership Fitzhugh Mullan, MD Seed Global Health Diana Schmidt, PhD Peace Corps



4 Global Maldistribution of Health Workers

5 Long-Term Solutions for Global Health

6 Medical and Nursing Education Challenges Schools limited in size and number Faculty shortages Infrastructure Limited advanced training Emigration of graduates

7 Sub-Saharan African Medical School Study (2008-2010)


9 The Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) 2010-2015 The Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI) 2010-2015

10 MEPI Structure $135 million investment over five years 13 medical schools in 12 countries 32 African, 17 American, 2 British and 1 Canadian partners Coordinating Center – GW Department of Health Policy/African Center for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST)

11 MEPI Aims/Themes ↑ Medical education capacity (quantity and quality of graduates) ↑ Retention and geographic distribution of graduates ↑ Regionally relevant research training


13 How many of you, who are going to be doctors, are willing to spend your days in Ghana?” –John F. Kennedy, 1960 “

14 Peace Corps Peace Corps has a rich, 50-year history of preparing and sending American Volunteers for service overseas.

15 Peace Corps The Peace Corps' mission has three simple goals: 1.Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women. 2.Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served. 3.Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

16 Peace Corps’ Work in Health Active participants in community health strengthening and in the global response to HIV and PEPFAR: 20 years working in HIV/AIDS PEPFAR partner since 2004 All Africa Volunteers trained in HIV/AIDS prevention Today, 1,922 Volunteers work on health as a primary assignment. A third of all Volunteers work on HIV

17 President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Peace Corps and PEPFAR partners since 2004 PEPFAR is a major funding source for the GHSP

18 History of GHSP


20 US NGO based at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Global Health in Boston. Committed to cultivating stronger, sustainable health systems by training a new generation of physicians and nurses. Partnered with Peace Corps to do site development, recruitment, orientation, field support, and program evaluation. Raises funds through private philanthropy to provide debt repayment. Funds used to offset educational debt, mortgage commitment and dependent tuition.

21 The Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) March 2012 – Program Launched

22 Mission Volunteers serve at medical and nursing schools Provide clinical instruction, mentoring and other faculty activities, as needed Help build national capacity in medical and nursing education Strengthen global Human Resources for Health efforts

23 The Global Health Service Partnership Program of the Peace Corps Seed Global Health provides program development and technical assistance PEPFAR provides funding for the program Host medical/nursing schools provide faculty appointments, housing, and individualized scopes of work

24 GHSP Uniquely Prioritizes Education GHSP Volunteers immediately scale up teaching capacity Rapidly increases in-country clinical personnel Strengthens local medical, nursing and health education systems Increases healthcare services available to local population

25 GHSP Program

26 Implementation

27 March 2012 – Program Launched

28 Peace Corps Response Peace Corps program for technically skilled professionals Volunteers serve one year assignments through Peace Corps Response Offers high-impact, short- term assignments

29 2013 Applicant Pool Specialty categories: MDs N=73 Degree categories: RNs N=100

30 Who Are Our 2013 Volunteers? Physician Educators - Internal Medicine - 5 Pediatrics - 4 OB/GYN - 3 Family Medicine -1 Anesthesia - 1 Cardiology - 1 Psychiatry - 1 Nurse Educators - Comprehensive - 8 Midwifery/Women’s Health - 3 Public/Community Health - 2 Pediatrics - 2 Psychiatry - 1 Surgical - 1 Medical-Surgical/Acute Care - 1

31 GHSP Volunteer Training Rigorous two-week training program in DC: Peace Corps’ approach to development practice of medicine and nursing in resource scarce conditions tropical medicine Volunteers also received two weeks of cultural and technical training in their host countries Prior to their departure, Volunteers completed in-country licensing and credentialing Volunteers will also receive In-service training

32 July, 2013 Orientation Washington, DC

33 Swearing In – White House July 16, 2013


35 Tanzanian Team Greeted by President Jakaya Kikwete




39 Looking Forward [1] The inaugural PCVs will be from Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry and Family Medicine to begin. Global Health Service Corps anticipates specialty base will expand with subsequent years and differing needs by country. Lessons learned will inform future planning and growth of GHSP Increase number of sites Increase number of countries Additional disciplines

40 Global Health Service 2014 Applications Now Open: Partnership

41 More Information [1] The inaugural PCVs will be from Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry and Family Medicine to begin. Global Health Service Corps anticipates specialty base will expand with subsequent years and differing needs by country. Seed Global Health Peace Corps

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