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Kapi’olani Community College Art 128 Interface Programming 1 In-class Presentation Week 2B.

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Presentation on theme: "Kapi’olani Community College Art 128 Interface Programming 1 In-class Presentation Week 2B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kapi’olani Community College Art 128 Interface Programming 1 In-class Presentation Week 2B

2 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: Calendar

3 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: Examples  CSS Gallery Sites  CSS Mania  CSS Vault  CSS Beauty  CSS Elite  CSS Remix  CSS Drive  CSS Website  CSS Reboot  CSS Zen Garden  (see our class web page for links to all of the above mentioned sites.

4 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: Lesson  Setting styles in the header  Using external style sheets:  Making a new style sheet  Linking the style sheet to your html document  Controlling the spacing (margins and padding)  CSS: selector {property: value;}

5 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: In-class Exercise  HTML with styles set in the header  tags  THIS IS A BAD PRACTICE!!!  HTML with a linked external style sheet  THIS IS A GOOD PRACTICE!!!

6 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: Assignment  HTML page with a linked CSS file  Post this assignment on your class web page  For those who will be working from home on your home computer, get Dreamweaver set up by defining your UH site (aim for the public_html folder). For those who do not have Dreamweaver, try these free HTML editors:  Taco (MAC)  Coffee Cup (PC).  Next week we will learn about DIV elements (generic block-level containers). Until then, check out these links:   due :: 01.22.07

7 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: post mortem  How smoothly did today’s class run?  What slowed us down?  What did we skip over?  How can we be more efficient in the future?

8 Art 128 :: Interface Programming 1 :: Week 2 :: B In-class Presentation :: Examples


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