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Performance Measurement and PM-OTOOL Presented at the Abandoned Infants Assistance Grantee Kick-Off Meeting Washington, DC December 4, 2008 ©

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Measurement and PM-OTOOL Presented at the Abandoned Infants Assistance Grantee Kick-Off Meeting Washington, DC December 4, 2008 ©"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Measurement and PM-OTOOL Presented at the Abandoned Infants Assistance Grantee Kick-Off Meeting Washington, DC December 4, 2008 © 2006 ICF International. All rights reserved.

2 2 Resource and Information Flow Federal Program Grantee Performance Data Congress $$, Mission, Guidance

3 3 Context: Accountability Federal Context  Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)  The President ’ s Management Agenda  Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Agency Context  Specify key results based on agency strategic plan  Measure achievement of results by programs  Apply performance standards  Implement system to collect and report program results

4 4 Focus of Accountability Designed to measure five Children’s Bureau discretionary grant programs: Abandoned Infants Assistance Adoption Opportunities CAPTA Research and Demonstration Projects Child Welfare Training Infant Adoption Awareness Training Does not measure individual grant performance.

5 5 Measurement and Evaluation QuestionHow much?What does it mean? ExampleGame scoreGame analysis OffersA tallyCausality TimeframeContinuous (Ongoing)Interval (Discrete) CostLess expensiveMore expensive Performance measurement is necessary, but not sufficient, for evaluation. Feature Evaluation Performance Measurement

6 6 Elements of a Logic Model Problem SubproblemActivities Outputs Outcomes Tasks conducted by grantee’s staff, subcontractor or volunteers. Activities are directly linked to outputs. Products and services delivered. Changes in individuals, agencies, systems, and communities. Outcomes may be intended or unintended. Short-Term Learning Awareness Knowledge Attitude Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations Intermediate Action Behavior Practice Policies Social Action Decision- Making Adapted from: GAO-02-923 –Strategies for Assessing How Information Dissemination Contributes to Agency Goals; GAO-03-9 – Efforts to Strengthen the Link between Resources and Results at the Administration for Children and Families; GAO/GGD-00-10 – Managing for Results: Strengthening Regulatory Agencies' Performance Management; Taylor-Powell, E. (2000). A Logic Model: A Program Performance Framework. University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension Program Evaluation Conference. Long-Term Conditions Social Economic Civic Environment

7 7 \ Elements of a Logic Model Problem SubproblemActivities Outputs Outcomes Tasks conducted by grantee’s staff, subcontractor or volunteers. Activities are directly linked to outputs. Products and services delivered. Changes in individuals, agencies, systems, and communities. Outcomes may be intended or unintended. Short-Term Learning Awareness Knowledge Attitude Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations Intermediate Action Behavior Practice Policies Social Action Decision- Making Long-Term Conditions Social Economic Civic Environment

8 8 Elements of a Logic Model Problem SubproblemActivities Outputs Outcomes Tasks conducted by grantee’s staff, subcontractor or volunteers. Activities are directly linked to outputs. Products and services delivered. Changes in individuals, agencies, systems, and communities. Outcomes may be intended or unintended. Short-Term Learning Awareness Knowledge Attitude Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations Intermediate Action Behavior Practice Policies Social Action Decision- Making Long-Term Conditions Social Economic Civic Environment

9 9 Roles Children’s Bureau Developed performance measures Review and approve indicator selections and data submissions Analyze and submit aggregated performance data to higher levels Grantees Use the Performance Measurement Online Tool (PM-OTOOL) to select performance indicators and report data

10 10 Indicator Selection Grantees must select at least one indicator from each of the following categories: Outputs Short-term outcomes Intermediate outcomes Grantees are encouraged, however, to select as many indicators as are applicable to their projects.

11 11 Data Reporting Grantees report performance data twice per year: Data are due April 30 for the period of October 1 – March 31 Data are due October 31 for the period of April 1 – September 30 Grantees can also upload their semi-annual and final reports via PM-OTOOL Note: This is not the official way to submit reports. You should continue to submit your reports in the manner designated by your FPO, but you are encouraged to also upload the report to PM-OTOOL so your FPO can have an electronic copy.

12 12 Contact Information For more information about PM-OTOOL and the performance measurement process, please contact: Matthew Shuman, MSW ICF International 703-279-6257 PM-OTOOL web address:

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