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LOGO PROJECT ENTER.HUB LAP peer reviews. Final integration workshop, Łódź, PL 9th – 10th of October, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO PROJECT ENTER.HUB LAP peer reviews. Final integration workshop, Łódź, PL 9th – 10th of October, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO PROJECT ENTER.HUB LAP peer reviews. Final integration workshop, Łódź, PL 9th – 10th of October, 2014

2 1. Legitimacy - Implementation 2. Meet all the stakeholders to present their the LAP officially after finalizing (mail to the coordinator responsible), also the architects of the project “Gare, coeur d’agglo”

3 14 since 2013 Before each workshop 6 persons for each group (human capital and mobility Universities GARE, CŒUR D’AGGLO DDT Oise-la-Vallée DREAL EPFLO Employment center CCLVD PSO Neighbouring municipality communities IUT UTC Civil society SODA Employment stakeholders ULSG PARTNERSHIP PROTOCOL CAC Creil Nogent-sur-Oise Conseil Général Conseil Régional SMTCO SNCF RFF Development Council

4 1. City context

5 2. Theme Human Capital Bad attractivity High unemployment Many different cultures Poor synergy between the stakeholders Inadequation between people and jobs

6 2. Theme Human Capital The hard = Master plan The soft = LAP -District of the culture : master plan must add on it -Creative spaces (art, entrepreneurship, exchanges, research) : beginning in 2015 -Platform grouping devices in creating : beginning in 2015

7 2. Theme Mobility Complexity and multiple actors Leading car use Good rail infrastructure Less quality of the public spaces Congestion

8 2. Theme Mobility The hard = Master plan The soft = LAP -Diagnosis walking : in 2015 -Walking tours commented : not yet decided -Creation of a coordinating committee of supply : 2014 -Reflection on the prospects for Roissy hub and for the star : 2014

9 6. Risk analysis Type of riskCategorisationSteps to be taken to mitigate probability and impact OperationalMediumensure follow-up action FinancialHighIntegration to the financial programs LegalLow StaffingHighconvinced of the interest of equity TechnicalLow BehaviouralMediummake teaching and offer added value to behavior change

10 Conclusions -ULSG : meetings, work habits, different views, colaboration, stakeholder and problem identification, articulation scale, methodology, freedom, inhabitants are in the centre of the reflections… -Difficulties in linking Local and transnational exchanges. How do the other partners ? -PAL : requires a significant investment in time including How do you manage it ? -Legitimacy to implement the PAL ? Which links between the PAL and the Masterplan? -Reflection to the sustainability of the ULSG : new themes (particularly participation) Do other partners think on it ?

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