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WELCOME NU 499 Capstone Professor Tina Vaughn MSN-RN-C Kaplan University 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME NU 499 Capstone Professor Tina Vaughn MSN-RN-C Kaplan University 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME NU 499 Capstone Professor Tina Vaughn MSN-RN-C Kaplan University

2 NU 499 Capstone NU 499 Overview Communication: Please Email me 1st at:
if you do not hear back from me within 24 hours than I have not received your . I return s very promptly. So please resend if you do not hear from me within 24 hours. me 1st!! If an emergency arises you may leave me message at: Phone NO COURSE WORK via

3 NU 499 Capstone Assignment Due Dates:
All weekly assignments are due on Tuesdays at 11:59. If you are having any problems with understanding course assignments or are having difficulty with meeting course deadlines you must contact me AHEAD of time NOT after the assignments are due. I am very generous with working with all of you but I need you to communicate with me AHEAD of time if there are issues that need my assistance. No work will be accepted a week past its due date and points will be deducted for each day work is late per the KU course policy without notifying me AHEAD of time

4 NU 499 Capstone 4 Discussions Required
Course Overview/Outline in DOC Sharing 4 Discussions Required Seminars- Weeks 1 orientation to course, week 5 “checking in” Weeks 8 & 9 Seminars are Capstone presentations - Required to present!! Schedule posted in course announcements Learning Journals in weeks 2,4 & 6 Nursing Papers due unit 3,unit 5 & unit 8 Clinical hours 40/20

5 NU499 Capstone No hands on clinical
Week 1: Discussion Question &Seminar Forms must all be completed and signed Cleared through Tara Whitworth Please get your Data form completed ASAP.I must talk to you and your preceptor via phone No hands on clinical No clinical until all paperwork is cleared!!!

6 NU 499 Capstone Ideas for Nursing issue of choice:
What would you like to change? What nursing issue would you like to develop or improve upon ??? Use research to support your ideas. Apply the nursing process: Assessment, data collection, intervention evaluation, implementation??? Talk to your preceptor and instructor.

7 NU 499 Capstone Week 2: Discussion Question
Part 1 Nursing Issue Paper 2-3 pages in length Describe your chosen project issue What is your plan using evidence based research?

8 NU 499 Capstone Week 4- Learning journal
No required Discussions until unit10 1st Time log submission due Time log should be updated weekly-due in weeks 4 & 10

9 NU 499 Capstone Week 5 Seminar Checking in 1-877-398-4411
Nursing Paper Part 2 Due 3-4 pages in length 6th edition APA Literature review-review 8-10 scholarly references-must be within last 5 years

10 NU 499 Capstone Week 6- Journal Week 7-
No formal assignment continue to work on your PowerPoint Presentation due in unit 8

11 NU 499 Capstone Week 8 Nursing Paper Completion- 2-3 pages Your proposed solution to your nursing issue Power Point Presentations- Group 1 Week 9 Power Point Presentations-Group 2 Week 10 Final Discussion Time Log Submitted-no grades will be given until ALL paperwork completed!!!

12 QUESTIONS???????

13 NU 499 Capstone CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

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